I Turned 33 and I Decided to Let Go

Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com turned 33 and Decided to Let Go Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com turned 33 and Decided to Let Go Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com turned 33 and Decided to Let Go

So I turned 33 on Tuesday.

I know to some of you that makes me a young’un and to others that makes me soooo old.

But I’m excited for 33. I really think this is going to be my best year yet.

And yes. Some of that has to do with the two new additions to our family.

But I also think it’s because I’ve recently come to the realize that I’m sick of trying so hard.

Trying so hard to be the best mom, the best wife, the best blogger…

And no I’m not trying to say that I’m done giving my all to those areas of my life.

But what I am saying is that I’m done trying to achieve perfection. To beat myself at my own game if you will.

I decided to let go.

I’m giving myself grace.

I’m letting dishes pile up, and I’m wearing pajamas all day.

I’m sharing awkward videos of myself in my stories on Instagram (that one was a big step for me!).

I’m sick of always worrying about how others view me… especially in regards to parenting.

Instead I’m learning to make the decisions I believe to be right for my family.

I guess you could say I’m just sick of it.

I’m ready to be myself and put myself out there… to be vulnerable and a little “messy.”

Because as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that being genuine and vulnerable leads me to other people who are doing the same.

And I need that.

I need to be surrounded by “real” people and in turn be real with others.

So this is 33.

It’s me being me.

I turned 33 and decided to let go.

Until next time,

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  1. 3.17.17
    Barbara Anderson said:

    Good for you Karin. Wish I would have done what you’re doing years ago. No regrets!

  2. 3.17.17
    maryann ethier said:

    Hi Karin Our world gets so complicated. I say stop the crazy! My daughter is 25 now her infant and toddler years were the best years of my life, I miss them much! She is an adult now but I still remember all of the walks and fun times with her and not caring what I wore to go on them. I guess our world was different then….no cell phones,laptops,constant media coverage. I really appreciate your blog and you should enjoy these special times in your life Love Maryann

  3. 3.17.17
    inja said:

    Great decision! Congratulations! As I am turning 33 in July, my decision might be this one as well.
    All the best from Sarajevo, B&H,

  4. 3.17.17
    Dee said:

    Best decision I ever made was letting go! Good luck.

  5. 3.17.17
    Linda O said:

    You made my heart smile!

  6. 3.18.17

    Love this. And your insta stories!!

  7. 3.22.17

    You are such a big inspiration to me, Karin! I love seeing your videos on Instagram, and that is why I started sharing more myself. Giving yourself grace is HUGE! We could all use some in our lives. Happy Birthday [again!]!! I hope you had a fabulous day!

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