My Small, Purposeful Jewelry Collection

Karin Rambo of shares her small purposeful jewelry collection

Earrings: c/o Claus Jewelry | Rings: Heirlooms | Bracelet: Thrifted

Today we’re talking about jewelry!

Jewelry is a funny thing for me.

Let me explain:

Remember when big, chunky necklaces were super popular?

Well I went out and bought a bunch of them and then pretty much never wore them.

Same with big, chandelier earrings. I used to own about ten pairs of them and didn’t wear a single one of them.

And if I really want to age myself, remember hemp chokers? I owned my fair share of them (that I bought at my local Claire’s) and… you guessed it:

never wore any of them.

I guess what I’m saying is that I used to buy jewelry because it was trendy, and not because I actually really liked it.


But a few years ago I read this book and it completely changed the way I viewed jewelry.

It talks about how minimal and intentional Parisian women’s jewelry collections are.

“You mean I don’t have to own a lot of jewelry?”

“I can still be stylish and not wear trendy jewelry?”

Seems silly to admit, but those ideas had never dawned on me.

I promptly dove into my jewelry collection and got rid of about 90% of it.

I felt so liberated.

(so liberated that it became the catalyst that pushed me into doing capsule wardrobes).

From that point on I have been slowly whittling it down to a place where I truly only own what I’m head over heels for and actually wear.

Side note: that second point is so important.


Because you can love something, but still never wear it.

Or in other words: you can appreciate the beauty in something without needing to own it.

I’m really happy with where I’m at right now so I thought I would break down the numbers for you:

Necklaces: 11

Earrings: 10

Bracelets: 3

Watches: 2

Rings: 5 (although these are all heirlooms from my Grandpa who was a jeweler. I’m not a big ring person generally).

And that’s pretty much it.

And in case you’re wondering, it’s not all fine jewelry either. Some of it is costume (though the pieces that ended up sticking around were from my local thrift stores and not from the bargain bin at Forever 21), and some of it is nicer.

I really do think a good jewelry collection has to be a combination of both.

What do you think? Do you have a whittled down jewelry collection? Or is yours just as out of control as mine was? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

And just for fun, I’ve listed some of my go to shops for finding unique, quality pieces below.

Until next time,




Favorite Shops:

Claus Jewelry 

Layered & Long

Jenny & Jude


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  1. 3.10.17

    I love this! I used to have a ton of jewelry, too. However, I did not wear a lot of it, because it was either too heavy, too bulky, or just not me. Now I am down to 2 necklaces, 2 pairs of earrings [but really could dwindle down to one pair], 3 rings, and I think that is it. I enjoy it much more, because I have pieces that work with everything I own and reflect my style better.

  2. 3.10.17

    I know the struggle with heirlooms. I rarely wear necklaces and NEVER wear brooches, but I have like twenty. They are heirlooms. I just can’t part with them. I made a pretty display board in my bathroom for them. Even though I don’t wear them, at LEAST I can look at them : )

  3. 3.14.17

    It’s really interesting to me that you started by downsizing your jewelry before trying out a capsule wardrobe. I totally identify with the sentiment of wanting to buy a piece of jewelry because it’s beautiful. My collection is pretty whittled down (19 pieces total, 4 of which I wear daily), and I still find myself struggling to wear the majority of these items. While it may not have been the intention of this piece, it reminded me that I should make more of an effort to wear the pieces I love on a regular basis.

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