A Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt

A Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree HuntA Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree HuntA Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree HuntA Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree HuntA Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree HuntA Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt A Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt IMGP9309 A Very Merry Christmas Tree Hunt

I just love Christmas!

I mean I just REALLY do.

You know why?

It’s all about family. Also because you get to do fun things like drive to a Christmas Tree Farm (we went to St. Croix Valley Trees if you’re in the area) and cut down your own tree.

Anyway… I don’t know if it’s the introvert in me or what, but there is nothing better to me than having an excuse to snuggle in, do family traditions, and make memories.

I know… sappy right? I guess that’s the romantic in me.

But these pictures represent so much to me. Especially now that we have Kit.

They represent joy and a break in the clouds of life.

They are memories I’ll cling to when life gets hard and memories that will help me remember what’s really important.

So cheers to Christmas! And every other holiday that gives you an excuse to be over the top.

I’d love to hear what your family traditions are. Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

Disclaimer: Most of my clothing is thrifted/consigned. When I show you one of these thrifted pieces, I try to find items that are as similar as possible in a variety of price ranges.

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  1. 12.16.15
    Joanna said:

    Beautiful pictures! Christmas tree hunting is one of my favorite holiday activities. I refuse to get fake trees 😉

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      I agree Joanna! It would take a lot for me to cave. 🙂

  2. 12.16.15

    Love the photos! I’ve never had an actual tree but going to find one and cut it down always looks like so much fun.

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Alexandra! It is so fun!

  3. 12.16.15
    Karen said:

    What FABULOUS photos…and what a fun holiday memory!
    Karen | http://www.GlamKaren.com

  4. 12.16.15
    Cindy said:

    Love your pictures! They really capture the love and sweetness of your family as you embrace Christmas tree hunting!

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Cindy! That is so sweet of you to say!

  5. 12.16.15
    Nicole said:

    These are beautiful family memories! When holidays get tough and I’m not feeling so festive, it’s these types of memories that help put me back on track. Thank you for sharing!

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      I totally agree Nicole! It’s supposed to be a joyous season right?!

  6. 12.16.15
    andi said:

    my tradition – watching the Honeymooners marathon on WPIX….and taking my time with everything….

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      Love it Andi! Sounds great!

  7. 12.16.15
    Christine said:

    I love your photos, they are beautiful. The one of your little one is adorable and just made me smile. Its nice thing to see at Christmas time! Thank you for sharing!

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Christine! You are so sweet! That’s my favorite picture as well. 🙂

  8. 12.16.15
    Logan Can said:

    This tree farm is too stinkin’ cute! I love it! Picking out a Christmas tree is so much fun! You have a beautiful little family.

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      Isn’t it?! I’m so glad we found it! And thank you!

  9. 12.17.15
    Tara said:

    There is nothing like your child’s first Christmas. I’m getting sentimental just looking at your photos. Have a beautiful holiday!

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      I totally agree! It’s been so fun to do all of our traditions together with her. And have a wonderful holiday as well!

  10. 12.17.15
    Tamara said:

    I saw your post earlier today, love all the photos from it. Looks like you all made incredible memories that day.

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      We really did Tamara!

  11. 12.18.15
    Susannah said:

    What fun! Christmas tree hunting is one of my favorite traditions. And I’m with you, I love Christmas because family! ♡

    • 12.18.15
      Karin said:

      There are so many family memories to be made this time of year aren’t there!? It makes me giddy. 🙂

  12. 12.20.15
    adriana said:

    These are such beautiful pictures and it looks like your family had such an amazing time picking your Christmas tree! Your baby is SUCH a cutie! OH and I LOVE your outfit! : )

    • 12.21.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Adriana! We really did! You are so sweet! xoxo

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