Hello friends! So I had a really productive weekend. And when I say a productive weekend, what I really mean is I had a weekend of really little sleep, but lots of hyper focused window shopping for spring 😁. Not so great for my health, but great for my fashion/creative outlet/excitement/visionforanewseason! In fact, this is how I tend to do things… I’ll spend a few weekends every few months totally hyper focusing on window shopping and doing very little else, getting all my inspo, keeping tabs open on the things I want to potentially purchase later (the tab thing has been a tremendous help in mitigating the ADHD impulsive purchase problem, but it is FAR from perfect ha!), and then I won’t look at a single piece of clothing for an entire month. There is no middle ground with ADHD okay? Ha! Although I had my first appointment with my new therapist today and she seems to think there can be a middle ground and that is a concept that is completely foreign to me so I’m excited for the possibility!
so anyway, I’m in the hyper focused stage of planning for spring and I spotted a lot of really good things this past weekend so in the name of being a bit more impulsive on here, I decided two seconds ago to not just share them to my stories, but to share them here as well! I get so excited thinking about a new season, and spring is my favorite season BY FAR. It’s just a season of promise and new beginnings and my aching heart always resonates with that. Plus, I always like the opportunity to add a bit of a feminine touch into my simple outfits – it just feels like a fun and fresh season of dressing. So yeah – nothing more to say. Here’s what I’m eyeing for spring:

spring wishlist:
oh and P.S. there were 2 impulse purchases 🙈, but you’ll just have to stick around to see which two things I got. 😘
Until next time,