Some Photos from the Weekend, Plus Some Housekeeping

OH boy! It’s a Monday am I right? Actually, we’ve had a pretty great day. It’s WARM here, and we made it to the Zoo for the first time in a really long time. Gabe barked at all the animals and it was the BEST.

I just wanted to hop on here real quick and discuss a few little housekeeping matters:

  1. I have officially migrated my week of outfits post into daily, shoppable posts that you can find under the Instagram Outfits section in the main header of my blog (at the top of the home page on desktop, and via the three bars at the top of the home page on mobile). I was finding that lots of you guys were struggling to find my Instagram outfit links via the section I had them under previously, and so it makes sense for me to just do a daily outfit post, but feature them in one spot so they don’t clog up my home page. I know a lot of you liked to see them in one handy spot, but you’ll still be able to see them if you click on the link in a grid format so I don’t think your overall experience will change that much. Let me know what you think!
  2. I am diligently working on putting together my “how to” blogging guide that so many of you asked for on Instagram! It’s going to be a pretty heft guide though so I’m going to be breaking it into sections. I’m toying around with the idea of starting a “buy me a coffee” feature that I’ll include in those posts since they are such a time heavy thing to put together, but there isn’t a great way for me to monetize them (to offset the hours I’m putting into them). Are any of you strongly against that idea? If you are let me know (and your reasons why) in the comments below! I’m interested to hear.

Okay that’s it! This is my birthday week so, other than this post, I’m going to be taking it a bit easier this week and you’ll likely only see one other post from me on Friday. I hope you all have a great week, and I’ll see you soon!


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