Good morning friends! I hope your week is off to a good start. We have a short week here before we head up north for a little time in very remote, cut off nature. We’ll be camping with the kids near the Boundary Waters… and I can’t wait. Cell service is spotty at best so it truly is a chance to get away and spend some very needed offline time with my family. Plus, there’s nothing like camping on the shores of Lake Superior for resetting the system. I look forward to our yearly trip for good reason!
But enough about that ha! Today I wanted to share with you what’s on my Nordstrom Anniversary Sale wishlist this year. I know this sale gets a lot of flack every year, but here’s the way I approach it (and really my blog/recommendations in general): this is a sale I personally love. Its an AWESOME way to refresh your fall wardrobe every year at a very discounted price. So even if I wasn’t a style blogger, I would still very much be shopping from this sale.
And you guys know I don’t buy a bunch of stuff to share with you guys that I’m not actually wearing or planning on keeping. And if I DO a try on of things I’m not planning on keeping, I walk you through why I’m sending things back or keeping them. In other words, I don’t just buy a bunch of stuff I don’t even like just to have content to share with you. I’m showing you the things I actually like and am incorporating into my wardrobe.
I know that was a little long winded, but all that to say: the way I’ve always approached the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is to just show you what I’m actually buying for fall, and then you guys will see me actually wearing those things this fall. I’m never going to show you a bunch of crap just to have something to show you from the sale… I’m going to show you the good stuff that I’m actually going to keep and wear.
Okay. I’ve said my piece. We can move on now. 🙂
Now, I did actually already place an order and it should come this week (or at least most of it) so just keep in mind that I didn’t actually order EVERY single thing off of this wish list. What I like to do every year is create a wish list on the day the sale actually opens up, and then when my tier opens up I can move whatever I like to my cart. It helps me to avoid sale frenzy (feeling like you have to just grab it all before it sells out) because it gives me several days to really think about what I want and will actually use. I always ask myself: would I buy this if it wasn’t on sale. And over the few days that things are sitting in my wish list I can move things out or add things in as I think about that question.
Okay I really wasn’t planning on that intro being that long, but there we are.
What’s on my wish list:

You can kind of see some themes coming through, but basically here’s what I’m looking to buy this year:
Sweaters and jeans. You may think I own way too many already, but I live in flipping freezing Minnesota so in the winter I live in jeans and sweaters. I like to use the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale as a way to pick up one investment sweater and one pair of designer denim each year. Last year I lived in the Paige jeans (there’s a similar wash on sale this year too!) and the Vince Sweater I bought last year.
The sweater I really have my eye on this year is that sage green tunic sweater, but I’m unsure about the denim. I’ll have to try them on to see… and I may end up going with a pair of trousers this year because those khaki green pleated trousers are calling to me.
The other things I’m looking at:
I’d like to refresh my winter shoes a bit with a pair of loafer style shoes and replace my tan/taupe colored boots. I’ve had a pair of older Everlane boots for a long time, but my feet grew a bit with my last pregnancy and they are just a tad bit too tight. I’d like a sock boot style so I’m curious to try this pair.
And finally, I’d like a shorter pea coat style wool coat. And I’ve also wanted a navy coat for awhile, so I’m excited to try what looks to be the perfect mash up of both desires.
So that’s what I’m looking at! When it all comes in I’ll do a try on for you guys and I’ll let you know what I actually end up keeping.
But before I leave you, I wanted to share some of things that caught my eye in the other categories (I also like to use this time to stock up on fall clothes for the kids… especially shoes):

This last one is a roundup of things I already own that are a part of the sale including the VERY best bras ever (the only ones I’ll wear other than my ARQ bralettes). I wear this style under sweaters and tees, and this one under tanks and blouses. My weekend bag is also a part of the sale – it’s such a good bag… I love the bottom compartment for shoes, and it fits so much without being super bulky! And finally, my hair dryer is a part of the sale. It’s an investment, so it’s a great time to try it out! I won’t use anything else – it minimizes damage, and it dries my hair incredibly fast (this is not an over exaggeration, it shocks me every time ha!) even when it’s on a lower heat setting. Totally worth the price!
Well that’s all I’ve got for you guys today! I really didn’t intend for this post to get so wordy, but I guess I had a lot say ha! Like I said, I’ll try to have a post up later this week with some try ons. Are you shopping the sale this year? Let me know what you are looking for in the comments below!
Until next time,
a lot of these items are already sold out! do you know if they typically restock? I dont have access until the 13th
Hi Liz! I think they do restock!