Have Courage and Be Kind

Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind

This is what happens when you wear red lipstick with an almost one year old around.

Have Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be KindHave Courage and Be Kind Have Courage and Be Kind

I have another confession to make.

You know the new Cinderella movie that just came out on DVD? I kind of love it. A lot.

I may or may not have watched it five or six times already since it came out on DVD.

You guys know I’m a romantic and oh. my. word. is this movie ever romantic!

The whole movie is just SO magical!

But what I love most about it is it’s message: 

“Have Courage, and be Kind”

There is something so beautifully simple about that message.

It’s simple, but yet it’s so incredibly complex.

Those are two things that this world desperately needs and they are two things that are incredibly hard to do.

But, OH if I could pass on anything to Kit it would be that message.

I see so many hurting people around me that just need for someone to have courage and be kind to them. More than anything I want Kit to SEE those people and to respond.

But I think the biggest reason that I love this message is that it is so, so convicting. It reminds me that I can be better even though I am so often not these things.

I am quick to judge, I can be such a coward. But I WANT to be these things. I WANT Kit to see these things in me.

So I’m just going to keep watching the movie until I become like Cinderella… sounds like a winning plan right?!

Anyway, go see it if you haven’t because it is SO good!

P.S. YES, I did dye/cut my hair and I kind of love it! I was feeling so blah and I needed a change! This is pretty close to my natural color so it will be way less maintenance… ideal for this season of my life. 🙂

Until next time,

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  1. 11.23.15
    Dani Dixon said:

    I love love love the new Cinderella movie! I think I’ve seen it easily 15 times since I bought it the day it came out. My bridal shower was even themed from the movie haha its an amazing movie with an amazing message!

    And I love your new look. Very nice for the cooler weather!

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Dani! And you would! Ha! 😉 But for real, it is SO good!

  2. 11.23.15
    Rhiannon said:

    I have yet to see this movie but after reading your post I am determined to watch it. I love that there’s a positive message being produced for our generation. There’s so much hate and strife we need more brace, loving souls.
    P.s. My daughter has that monkey onesie too!! 🙂

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      I totally agree! More movies with positive messages for our children please! That’s so fun that she has it too… I think its so cute!!

  3. 11.23.15
    Samantha said:

    Gorgeous photos, super cue!

  4. 11.23.15

    I keep waiting to stream Cinderella on Netflix but it doesn’t seem to be happening. I’m thinking we’ll watch it often enough to warrant buying it already! Your pictures showed such life and happiness. I enjoyed looking at them!

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Traci! That is such a nice thing for you to say! And I would definitely recommend purchasing it. 🙂

  5. 11.23.15

    My daughter asked for the new Cinderella movie for Christmas, I’m probably going to love it just as much as her. 🙂

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      I’m sure you will! I know I do!

  6. 11.23.15
    Joy said:

    I knew IMMEDIATELY where the title of this came from. Such a cute movie!! I cannot get over how cute you all are! Totally adding you to my reading list and I’m glad you commented on my blog so I could find you!

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      Ha! It really is! I just can’t get over it. And thank you! You are the sweetest!!

  7. 11.23.15
    Amy said:

    That reminds me of my favorite lyrics- “it’s so easy to laugh it’s so easy to hate, it takes strength to be gentle and kind” – The Smiths

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      OOOH that’s so good! And yes! That’s exactly what I was trying to say! It’s so much harder to do the right thing!

  8. 11.23.15

    Gorgeous pictures!! Love them!

  9. 11.23.15
    Danoelle said:

    Such beautiful pictures! I totally want to see Cinderella! I didn’t know it was out on DVD, I’m gonna have to pick it up.

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Danielle! And yes! You definitely should!

  10. 11.23.15
    Sola said:

    Really gorgeous pictures! This post was so heart warming.

    x Sola | http://www.lifestonedadventures.com

  11. 11.23.15

    Everything in this post is perfection!! The pics, your words, your baby! Love it all!

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Lauren! You are so sweet!

  12. 11.23.15
    andi said:

    so important to be courageous (Joshua says so)…. 😀

    • 11.23.15
      Karin said:

      That’s right he does! 🙂

  13. 11.24.15

    Hi Karin, I can understand why you love that message. (I haven’t seen the movie, I am in a minions phase at the moment, myself.) (You don’t need to know how old I am, do you? Yeah… ahem.)

    The simplicity of the message is really beautiful and very necessary at the moment. In a world where we’re heavily pointing the finger at enemies (and potential ones who may not necessarily be enemies in reality) we’re going for a lot of courage to cover our fear, but leaning too heavily on a great deal of hate. Courage with hate is poison.

    May the Lord bless you and your beautiful family.

    • 11.24.15
      Karin said:

      You said that so well Cate! I honestly couldn’t have said it better myself. And I love the Minions so no judgement here. 😉

  14. 11.24.15

    I am OBSESSED with the new Cinderella movie! It is amazing. I too love the message. I’m a new follower, so before I even knew you had changed your hair I was having major hair envy! It looks super good girl!

    • 11.24.15
      Karin said:

      It is so good isn’t it??! I Just love it! And THANK YOU! You are so sweet!

  15. 11.24.15
    Kate said:

    Lovely advice, lovely movie (a little toooo sugary for me, but still so good!), and definitely a lovely look. I know it was a minor point in the whole of the post, but I love that most of your items are thrifted. That’s the whole thing about thrifting as a fashion choice- you get such unique items! In addition, it gives you a cheap, more ethical means of trying out trends like moto jackets and ankle boots. You’re killing it!


    • 11.24.15
      Karin said:

      It was quite sugary… but that’s why I like it. 😉 And thank you! I totally agree with you about thrifting. It also makes your wardrobe so much more intentional because you’re not just going into a store and coming out with what they have to offer. Does that make sense? I know you feel me. 🙂

  16. 11.24.15
    Chrissy said:

    Super cute photos – especially the one with the smudged lipstick! Love it!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award, maybe you want to play along?! http://www.thebravewanderer.com/2015/11/liebster-award-volume-2.html

    • 11.24.15
      Karin said:

      Thanks Chrissy! I’m glad you liked that one! Ha! I have already been nominated for the the Liebster Award, but thank you so much! You are so kind!

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