Everlane Micro Rib Crew Tee Review: Includes Video

It’s Friday, which naturally means high fives all around!

Yesterday we managed to make it to the grocery store with just me and the girls. Quite the trick when you have twins. We actually used cart hammocks and they worked like a charm! It’s the little things that make me feel accomplished these days.

Everlane Micro Rib Crew Tee Review 1

But, I think I was feeling a little too confident because the girls fell asleep when we were on our way home so I made a very impulsive decision to just keep driving and go to the play place that Kit loves to go to (we haven’t been since before Ella and Rosie were born).

At first it went great! I even had a mom come up and say I was handling my three like it was a breeze.

Well… all good things come to an end (or so goes the saying). Before I knew it, I had two poopy diapers, three crying children, and a whole bunch of people trying to not make it obvious that they were staring at me in horror.

We booked it home, but Kit was so hungry that it was all I could do to get her to finish her lunch without a huge meltdown and Rosie was so overtired that she cried for an hour. Yikes.

Lesson learned? Baby steps. The twins are not used to being out all day and I can’t just totally change things up on them all at once. We’ll get there though… just in small, incremental increases. 🙂

Anyway… back to today’s video!

Today, I’m doing a more in depth review of the Everlane Micro Rib Crew Tee. This is a tee that I have really loved since I bought it. It’s gotten a ton of wear already and I know it will in the colder months as well.

So without saying much more, here’s my video review:



Until next time,




Outfit Details:

White Tee


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  1. 8.11.17
    Marti Erb said:

    Nice white Tee! Your thoughts on the quality helps! I will need to order one. Too, I need to get a nude cami. No wonder I don’t like white Tees. My bras show thru & while I know this, I just need a basic nude cami. Thanks for this insight! Have a great weekend?

    • 9.11.17
      Karin said:

      Yes! A nude cami is so nice to have for a lot of reasons! I wear it all the time!

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