Create a Checklist: Your Perfect Capsule Wardrobe

Karin Rambo of shares why it's important to create a checklist Karin Rambo of shares why it's important to create a checklist

Today we’re finishing off the perfect capsule wardrobe series by talking about about creating a checklist.

Now I would argue that this is actually the most important step, which is why I saved it for last.

Before I started doing a capsule wardrobe, almost every clothing purchase that I made was mostly on impulse. There was no purpose or order to it.

Once I started my capsules, I realized that this chaotic shopping was sabotaging my ability to find a style aesthetic that I loved. I realized that in order to figure out what my “look” was going to be I had to have a plan.

So I got rid of everything I didn’t love, found my style icon, figured out my uniform, and then created a checklist…

a checklist of everything that I wanted my capsule to eventually be.

I’ll be honest, I ended up doing a bit more shopping than I wanted to this first year of capsuling, and it’s because of my checklist.

Before I started last summer, my closet was full of pieces that were completely worn out (some I’d had since college), didn’t fit anymore, or were completely unrealistic for my lifestyle.

So when I got rid of everything I didn’t love* as the year progressed, I have been adding those checklist items in one by one.

Having a checklist kept me on track so that, while I’m still not totally there, I now have a wardrobe that will work for years to come (pretty much as long as it holds up).

Because that’s the point right? A capsule should be something that works long term so that you’re not needing to add new pieces to it constantly. Constantly shopping for each new capsule, year after year, is neither sustainable nor is it at the heart of a capsule wardrobe practice.

Having a checklist not only provides guidelines and boundaries for you, it also tells you when it’s time to stop. Something I know I struggle with.

What do you think? Do you have a checklist for your capsules? If not, what helps you stay on task? Let me know in the comments below!

Outfit Details:

Skirt: Vintage. Ethical Option. USA Made Option.

Tank: Hand Me Down. Ethical Option.

Tee: Old Zara. USA Made Option.

Necklace: Etsy.

Until next time,





*I’m not advocating getting rid of perfectly good clothes that you like just to start over. And if you are getting rid of something in good condition, it’s best practice to sell them.


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  1. 5.30.16
    Kate said:

    I’m a total list-girl, so I do have a checklist or more like a wishlist of things that I might want to buy for my next capsule. The list is quite fluid, meaning that I add new items and delete some items while I hone in on what I truly love…

    • 6.3.16
      Karin said:

      Mine is fluid as well! And sometimes I’ll specifically wait on something just to see if I still want it in a month or three months or whatever. Then there are things on there that I won’t be getting for quite a long while… if ever (due to hefty price tags) 🙂

  2. 5.30.16

    Lists are the best! I keep one on my phone to keep on track when thrifting!

    • 6.3.16
      Karin said:

      That’s a great idea Tammy!

  3. 5.30.16
    Ashley said:

    I totally get over-shopping because a list! I’ve tried doing a capsule wardrobe time and time again, but that compulsive buying though!

    • 6.3.16
      Karin said:

      It’s hard to fight against it, but I’ve found the more you do it, the less the impulse strikes! 😉

  4. 5.30.16
    Jenny said:

    Love this! Very helpful 🙂

    xoxo, Jenny

  5. 5.30.16
    Tamara said:

    I recently started making list for everything in it helped a lot organizing things and staying focused.


    Tamara –

    • 6.3.16
      Karin said:

      Lists are great for that!

  6. 5.31.16
    Marloes said:

    Oh the buying and replacing old stuff…I never expected to replace so much but I’m glad I made the change. I keep a list too! If I think I have to replace something soon I’ll add it. What really helps is to make my checklist visible so I have a (hidden) Pinterest board with all the pieces I want to add at some point.
    – X Marloes

    • 6.3.16
      Karin said:

      Same here Marloes! I love the idea for a Pinterest board… that’s how I’ll be spending my evening. 🙂

  7. 5.31.16
    Sunray said:

    No checklist – no way ;D I always have checklists, also for shopping, on my smartphone. 🙂 And what´s not on the list isn´t important to me and I don´t buy it.

    • 6.3.16
      Karin said:

      That’s a great way of putting it Sunray! I also sometimes add something to my list if I’m out and I see it, then think on it for awhile before deciding if it should stay or not.

  8. 6.2.16

    Great post, Karin! This is exactly what I needed as I try to build my Spring and Summer Wardrobe! Thank you for sharing!

    • 6.3.16
      Karin said:

      Thank Erin! I’m glad you found it useful! I hope you’re planning on sharing your capsule on your blog!!

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