Okay friends, just a quick little intro here to say that I’m going to start posting a lineup of my weekly outfits here again! I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to share them here for those of you that aren’t on social media and at the end of the day this is the easiest way for me to do it. But with life being crazy as it is these won’t be chatty… they will literally just be for your reference purposes and for you to find links to things. 🙂 SO with that said, here’s what I wore last week.

Outfit Details:
(Glasses are from Cubbits – Sizing notes here)

Outfit Details:
(Sweater is old from Brass. Sizing notes here)

Outfit Details:
(Shoes are from Kaitlyn Pan. Sizing notes here)

Outfit Details:
(Sizing notes here)

Outfit Details:
(Use code 15KARINEMILY to save on my shoes. Sizing notes here)

Outfit Details:
(Sizing notes here)
Until next time,