Spring 2018 Outfit 4: Self Care and Time Management

Spring 2018 Outfit 4: Self Care Post and Time Management Spring 2018 Outfit 4: Self Care Post and Time Management

Happy Monday friends! It’s supposed to be in the 50’s (maybe) this week and I AM SO ECSTATIC I AM GOING TO SHOUT AT YOU FOR THIS ENTIRE SENTENCE!!

Seriously though… my soul needs it. And it’s my birthday week so clearly the weather getting warmer is a birthday present from Mother Earth. Clearly.

I got such a good response from asking if you guys were interested in a self care series that I’ve decided to go for it!

Let me start off by saying that 2017 was a year of zero self care. I was so run down with having my three under three and the twins’ first year was honestly just surviving.

So if you think you don’t have time for self care, I totally get it. Trust me.

It wasn’t until the beginning of this year that I really started feeling the need to be more intentional in this area. I kind of just let things happen in 2017, but I decided in 2018 that I wanted to actually work on taking care of myself.

It seems so silly to say that… but it’s true! I think we make the mistake of thinking that we’ll just fit it in when we have time, but it actually requires us intentionally scheduling it into our days.

And it takes sacrifice as well.

So for my first post on self care, I wanted to talk about time management.

I know… it doesn’t seem like a very sexy topic, and really it’s not at all.

But self care won’t happen if you don’t have good time management.

This is what I mean:

There were certain hobbies that I knew would make me happier if I had the time to pursue them (reading, sewing, knitting, working out), but there were other activities that I was engaging in that weren’t making me happy (mindlessly scrolling social media, watching Netflix and YouTube).

So I put limits on the amount of time I was spending on the latter so that I had time to spend on the former. It hasn’t been easy, and I definitely don’t do it perfectly.

But I made a goal to not check my phone after 7:30 at night and to only watch one show or video a day (unless David and I are having time together).

Like, I said, I don’t always get this right, but it has mad such a huge difference for me.

I feel like time just appeared out of thin air… but really I’m just now noticing how much time I was wasting doing brain numbing activities.

And now that I’m pursuing hobbies that fill me up I’m more energized, which helps me get up earlier in the morning (I’ll spend an entire post on this subject), which in turn allows me to find time to exercise, which gives me even more of a boost, and the cycle continues.

I can’t stress enough how much time management will help. And it’s not something that has to come naturally for you either. You can do it with a little effort. It may seem exhausting when you’re in the thick of it with babies or life, but the end result truly, truly, is worth it.

If I could encourage you to do anything, it would be to spend some time writing out which activities you wish you were able to pursue. Then write out all of the activities in your day that are superfluous. Seeing it written down helps you to pinpoint exactly what needs to happen for you to have time for life giving activities.

What about you? Have you been able to pinpoint activities that are draining you? Do you struggle with time management?

Outfit Details:
Peasant Blouse: Thrifted | Super Similar | Everlane Option
Kimono Cardigan: Thrifted | Similar Ethical Option | Similar in Dark Gray | Similar Vibe | Everlane Option
Boyfriend Jean: Everlane
Clogs: Lotta from Stockholm | Everlane Option
Vintage Coach Bag: Vintage | Similar Vintage Option 

P.S. If you like the outfit I shared today, would you consider sharing it on Pinterest? Just over over any of the images and click the “pin it” buttons. Thanks so much!

Until next time,

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  1. 3.12.18
    Krystal said:

    I definitely can get sucked down the Netflix hole, and sometimes find myself mindlessly reading articles late at night (though I think this is a mechanism to prevent myself from going to bed, because that means another day of work tomorrow). Instead I’ve had to establish a routine for nightly self-care. I’ve found that my soul needs downtime with a book, some herbal tea, and essential oils to fully close each day, and I’ve had to work hard to make that habit stick. I’m also trying to go for regular haircuts and massages this year. It seems so simple but I really struggle with the financial cost of those things (versus spending that money on travel, which also feeds my soul, but my body needs care too). Hopefully that’s a habit that will stick, too!

    • 3.28.18
      Karin said:

      Yes the mindless scrolling at night is such a time suck! And I love what you said about working hard to make the habit stick. Isn’t it funny how we have to work so hard to take care of ourselves?

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      I love how you said that you had to work hard to make the habit stick. I think often we don’t establish self care routines because we just assume that they will come naturally, when in fact, they are one of the hardest things to prioritize!

  2. 3.12.18
    Mikayla said:

    This week I want to try to unplug from tv shows (aside from time with the hubs) and instead turn on music while I actively do productive things and read when I want to relax. Not mindlessly scrolling through FB might be a challenge for another week.

    • 3.28.18
      Karin said:

      I agree Mikayla! I used to listen to so much music when I worked a desk job, and I feel like I’ve lost a lot of inspiration because I’m not doing so anymore.

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      Good luck! I hope it went well.

  3. 3.12.18
    Jodie Thomas said:

    Happy early Birthday! 🙂
    It’s my husbands birthday as well this week, his is on Wednesday!
    Self care is so important! When I had Kaden I gave myself 3 months, which ended up being 4 because of holidays/ life to just adjust to having a new baby, and then I restarted all my rhythms that I need to be happy (reading, exercise, I paint my nails once or twice a month).
    Some of them have changed a little like now I work out at home instead of the gym and sometimes I have to pause it to read him a book or involve him in what I am doing (I hold him during squats, he loves it).
    Also enjoy the nicer weather! We are getting our third Nor’Easter in 2 weeks tomorrow! That’s spring in New York for you. Hoping April will bring nicer temperatures.

    Have a great day!

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      Thanks Jodie! Babies definitely are a game changer! It’s taken me quite a bit longer to get back into routines now that I have three, but they are slowly coming back into place.

  4. 3.12.18
    lexie said:

    I think making lists will get me better time management but really it doesn’t. It does help me to keep on track and keep those items important. And i do not have a system yet to help. It is hard b/c i am not a goals/dreamer type person and I think it would help if i was. All the endless scrolling of social media that does not pertain to me sucks so much life from me. If i am super intentional, I peel away from social media amd it feel so good! I read or crochet right now. Trying to have a business via social media is super draining and I am about to give up. Ha! Having kids all the time and food planning is also super draining for me. But there isnt anything i can do but ask husband for a lot of help.

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      I totally get where you are coming from Lexie! It’s hard to stay away from social media when it’s your business to be on it! I definitely went way overboard in the beginning with mine, realized it was terrible for me, and then found a healthy balance in the last six months. Growth has slowed considerably due to the fact that I’m not on it ALL DAY anymore, but I’m okay with that. Have you ever heard of Mom’s Bistro? She does free meal plans and grocery lists. You might find her helpful!

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