My Favorite Outfits from 2024

Hello my friends and TGIF! Ella always says that as she’s leaving for the bus on Fridays and it melts my heart right into a puddle every single time.

This is our first weekend since before Christmas that we don’t have anything on the schedule and I am very, very much looking forward to it. I am however planning our very first annual family snow ball fight for tomorrow and I can’t wait to dust off my old snowball arm (I grew up in St. Louis so there is no “old snowball arm”… who am I kidding). I’m mostly doing it because my kids have been really stir crazy lately and what better way to get some emotional unrest out than with a good old fashioned snowball to the face?

You all know I’m right.

Anyway, I’ve never really done this before, but I thought it would be fun to round up some of my favorite outfits from 2024 and talk about why they ended up in this roundup. I’m not going to talk about each individual outfit otherwise I’d have you here all weekend, but I want to talk about some general themes and forms my outfits took this past year.

It’s funny because in my head I thought I took some real risks in fashion last year, but when looking through photos of the actual outfits… I really didn’t 😆. Well, at least not in a way that stands out in a major way, but at the time they felt like risks because they pushed me out of my comfort zone and I think sometimes it’s good to feel a little risky when it comes to fashion.

Because at the end of the year I realized I also shopped for clothes a lot less than I did in previous years (I mean I still love clothes so let’s not make any assumptions about a low buy here, but it was a significant drop for me). And I think the reason for that is the “risk taking” that I was doing with my styling.

Like I said, it wasn’t anything major, but it was little things like leaving a shirt untucked that I would have previously always tucked in. Or forgoing the old rule of baggy on top, slim on bottom (or vice versus) and just doing all baggy everything.

I pretty much stopped wearing jewelry because it’s just never been my thing, except for the occasional subtle gold piece OR a statement pair of earrings. And I added a bit of whimsy into my bag collection just to make things a little more interesting in an all neutral outfit.

I basically kept what I loved (neutrals and basics), but then tweaked them that much more to make them truly work for me and I really think I came fully into my style in 2024. I’ve been slowly making my way there over the years, but my wardrobe shifted just that extra inch that it needed to last year to get me that final stretch.

So now I’m excited to see where 2025 takes me and my style. I know we’re all style girls here so I know you get how great it is to feel good in your clothes and like you are finding that expressive outlet through the outfits you put together… so I know you understand what a journey personal style can be.

The biggest part of finding my personal style, has been in accepting myself and my life for exactly who I am and what it is. I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s the truth. The more acceptance I’ve given myself and my life the more comfortable I’ve been to be who I am and express that to the world through my style.

Okay, I’ll stop yapping so you can get to the outfits. Just a note on the links: I’m aware that some of the pieces I link to are no longer available, but I linked to them anyway so you can see what the originals are and then look for them secondhand. Alrighty then!

Outfit Details:

sizing notes: jeans run true to size, wearing my normal size 26. Sized up to a medium in the sweater and the coat. Boots also run true to size, wearing my true size 9 even with wool socks.

Outfit Details:

Sizing notes: pants run true to size, shoes run a 1/2 size small so I’d size up

Outfit Details:

Sizing notes: wearing a medium in the sweater and a small in the skirt. Shoes run a half size small.

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Sizing notes: I wear a size small in Dôen tops, wearing a small in the pants, and sandals run true to size.

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Outfit Details: sweater is old from James Street Co., wearing my true 26 in the jeans, and sandals run true to size

Outfit Details:

Outfit Details: I sized up to a 27 for this fit in the jeans

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Outfit Details: wearing a medium in the tee and a small in the pants. Sandals run true to size

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Outfit Details:

Outfit Details:

Sizing notes: wearing a small in the skirt

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My Mary Jane’s are from Toast. Sizing notes: shoes and skirt run true to size

Outfit Details:

Sizing notes: wearing a 26 in the jeans and my true size in the flats

Well that’s all I’ve got for you guys today! I hope you enjoyed this peek at my favorite outfits from 2024. I think it’s a fun exercise to sit down and reflect on your style journey from the past year and I encourage you guys to do it too – if you have a free moment this weekend try it out! It gives a lot of clarity, not only on your style but on your own personal growth as well.

Until next time,


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  1. 1.15.25
    Jen said:

    “The biggest part of finding my personal style, has been in accepting myself and my life for exactly who I am and what it is.”


    I love your blog and your style. Thanks for always sharing your truth.

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