Making Time for our Passions

Karin Rambo of shares about making time for our passions Karin Rambo of shares about making time for our passions

Many people don’t know this, but I’ve played the piano for years. For almost my entire life really.

I don’t often play for people, and I’m not one of those people that sits down and plays with a metronome so that I can ensure I’m playing the music exactly as it should be (which drives my husband nuts by the way).

I love sitting down with a piece of sheet music and playing until I’m not thinking anymore. It’s one of the most cathartic things that I can think of and one of my greatest passions.

But I don’t do it very often.

I DO have a piano as you can see from the pictures and…

quick side note: I got this piano for free and it was painted an AWFUL olive green color. I spent HOURS stripping the paint off and refinishing it… only to realize after I was done that I forgot to do the inside flap of the keytop. Argh! If I swore, I totally would right now.

it’s just not something that I make time for like I should.

Why is it, that I seem to avoid the things that bring me the most joy and stress relief?

Instead, I fill my days up with things that don’t really bring me refreshment… like watching TV or mindlessly scrolling through Instagram.

But I want to change that! I want to be more intentional with my time.

I want to listen to music that brings me to tears, I want to play music that makes me forget, I want to read books that inspire me to remember the good in humanity, and I want to spend as much time in nature as I possibly can.

So here is my new manifesto: Less time dulling my brain and more time igniting it!

Tell me: what ignites you?

Until next time,


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  1. 4.6.16
    Kate said:

    You have a beautiful piano! You did a phenomenal job restoring it. It looks great, like it has a history…
    I used to play as well, but I haven’t played in years. It’s such a beautiful idea to take the time to indulge in your passions.

    • 4.27.16
      Karin said:

      Thanks Kate! I do kind of love it. πŸ™‚

  2. 4.6.16

    I used to play the piano, but I wasn’t really good at it. Now I garden. I love watching things grow and harvesting fresh veggies!

    • 4.27.16
      Karin said:

      I envy that Erin! I love the idea of gardening, but in reality I never make time for it! πŸ™‚

  3. 4.6.16
    Ali Grace said:

    “Less time dulling my brain and more time igniting it.” YES! I love this. For me — it’s definitely reading, writing, and being outside at our farm. I love taking care of our animals and spending time in nature.

    • 4.27.16
      Karin said:

      That’s so wonderful Ali! That’s so cool that you even have animals to take care of. πŸ™‚ And yes to reading for me!

  4. 4.6.16
    Sarah said:

    Absolutely true. I was inspired by my husbands new found gusto this weekend when he said “I’m taking back my house!”. I’ve realized that I have set a goal for a certain look and streamlined home style but have neglected the people living in it. I can have a perfectly run home but if the people in it aren’t inspired and nurtured to their fullest then what’s the point! I’m bringing in books to my living room today to start that.

    • 4.27.16
      Karin said:

      So good Sarah! I do that so often as well. But I really want to be better at focusing on the people and not the things.

  5. 4.6.16

    The accidental scroll through Instagram that turns into an hour looking at #capsulewardrobes is a constant struggle. Especially when there are so many more fulfilling activities I could be doing. I am really passionate abour reading self-help/non-fiction and putting it’s lessons into place. Whether it’s tidying, meal prepping, skin care, or mindfulness, it all just lights a fire inside me. And I’m honestly very passionate about homemaking. When it’s the end of the day and I have made the time to take care of myself, my husband, our children, our dogs, and our home, I feel like I’m going to overflow with warm, fuzzy contentment.

  6. 4.6.16
    Ashley said:

    I can really relate to this. To be honest, until recently I was a person without much passion. Of course I had interest, but nothing that could keep my brain completely occupied for hours on end. Until I found my blog. I love the space that I have created and I really enjoy researching ways to make it grow and thrive. I hope you find more time to play your beloved piano. Doing what makes you happy is good for the soul πŸ™‚

  7. 4.6.16

    I love that you play the piano. I use to and wish now that I would have continued. I do want to be intentional with my time. It’s just easier to veg at times and do nothing. Btw, I can’t believe that you stripped that piano.. It looks amazing!!


  8. 4.6.16

    First of all a designer would INCREASE the price of that piano BECAUSE it has that special touch on the inside flap! What lights me up? Unexpected spaces, animate, pushing my physical limits, time alone and laughing hard. Like really hard.

  9. 4.6.16

    Wow, that piano brings back memories. It reminds me of my grandmother’s old piano that I used to play as a kid (very amateurly I might add). Now, travel ignites me. I love meeting new people, exploring new lands, experiencing different cultures, and trying new food. It gives me life.

  10. 4.6.16

    I immediately noticed the olive green, and kind of loved it. I am so with you about living more intentionally.

  11. 4.8.16
    Kristie said:

    It is so easy to get sidetracked and forget the things that we not only love, but that so enrich our lives. I am this way with reading — whenever I do finally pick up a book I get so absorbed and love it so much, but then there will be days that pass where I just feel like I don’t have enough time or energy to pick up where I left off. I think trying to make it part of your weekly routine, like every Saturday morning you will play for thirty minutes is a great way to schedule in some time. But it is hard! xoxo

  12. 4.8.16
    Cassandra said:

    I needed to read this. During this weird season of moving and not knowing my place I haven’t been filling my time with the things that really fill me up. I have spent days in a strange town just waiting for my husband to get home and as a result, I feel restless and unfulfilled. It’s time to be intentional again.

    • 4.27.16
      Karin said:

      I can’t imagine Cassandra! I would think it feels a bit like being a tourist… except you’re not. What a weird in between feeling!

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