My husband always says that I’m in my element when I’m wearing comfy clothing (what does that say about me?). But… he’s right. I’m all about that loungewear life. What I love about this outfit is that if feels like pajamas, but the pattern and texture of the sweatshirt makes it look more pulled together. Insert a High Five here. Also, funny story, but that’s my dog Oscar in the picture above. I don’t know if you can tell, but in the picture he is in the process of throwing up the peanut butter sandwich that my niece fed him. We have fun in the Rambo household.
On a more serious note, continuing with Wednesday’s ramblings, I’ve been thinking about how in the fashion world there is a lot of “keeping up with the Joneses.” Do you know what I mean? I may only be able to afford brand “x”, but that cute Instagrammer always wears brand “y”. Instead of just appreciating how cute that Instagrammer looks in her “y” brand, it usually turns into me spending more money than I should on clothes that I can’t really afford. I’m not trying to say that it is bad to spend money on clothes. What I am trying to say is that there might be a better use for my money. A huge reason that I wanted to do the Capsule Wardrobe concept is because I wanted more money to spend on travel, experiences, and giving to others. It just unsettled me that a large part of our budget was contributing to my “wants”. It’s amazing what happens when you actually set a budget for shopping and then stick to that. Yes, it takes away some of the fun of finding that perfect sale. But, this is important, it makes shopping a part of where I spend my time and money instead of the sum of where I spend my time and money. Shopping? Truncated.

I love this! I experienced "keeping up with the Joneses" in fashion for years and wracked up all sorts of debt! It was a long haul to have a complete change of mindset and to pay off my credit card. I still like to purchase designer brands at times, but only after having a talk with myself as to why I am motivated to buy such a brand and if I can truly afford it. Is it because someone I know is wearing that particular item and I feel the need to be like or outdo them, or because of the prestige that goes with such a brand, or is it because I love the quality and comfort of the item and plan on wearing it for years to come? Even then, I still try to find it secondhand if I can, (usually on eBay) so I don't pay full price. Starting my capsule wardrobes last year has also forced me to reevaluate my purchases even more. Usually I "want" something mid capsule, so the waiting period really helps me think over if the purchase and my motivation behind them.
I love the map behind you!! I have been looking for a large map to go in our office/study room. I have been looking high and low for a huge one like that that won't cost a fortune. And your dachshund is adorable….she looks like Addy, my dog when I was a teenager. 🙂
Thanks Rebecca! I know exactly how you feel. That's such a great mental process to go through when deciding whether or not something is worth investing in. It's funny because I have found some great quality items that have lasted me for years that were from affordable brands and found items that wore out right away from more expensive brands. Even knowing that, I still sometimes buy from the expensive brand just to say that my top is from "x." We're funny creatures aren't we? 🙂
The map is from Ikea! It was around the $100 mark and I think it's still there!