How to Build an Ethical Postpartum Wardrobe

Karin Rambo of shares her tips on styling a jumpsuit postpartum Karin Rambo of shares her tips on styling a jumpsuit postpartum Karin Rambo of shares her tips on styling a jumpsuit postpartum Karin Rambo of shares her tips on styling a jumpsuit postpartum Karin Rambo of shares her tips on styling a jumpsuit postpartum Karin Rambo of shares her tips on styling a jumpsuit postpartum Karin Rambo of shares her tips on styling a jumpsuit postpartum

First of all.

Two things:

  1. Kit is learning how to use the remote on my camera and she loves it. #proudmommoment
  2. Kit is really starting to “play” the piano in a way that I think it would be fun to start giving her some basic lessons (i.e. she’ll actually play individual notes now instead of just banging on the keys). Anyone have recommendations for beginner piano books?

Okay, now that we have that out of the way let’s continue the conversation that we started on Monday about dressing your postpartum body.

So I think we’re all on the same page that postpartum fashion is difficult, if only because we have to relearn what works on our new post baby bodies. And hopefully now we can all agree that a post baby body isn’t a bad thing… it’s just a different thing.

The second thing that I get asked the most is “how can I make ethical fashion work for me?” Especially when I’m in a time of transition (i.e. weight, jobs, etc.).

get this question. I really, truly do.

Here’s the thing… ethical fashion is expensive. It’s no $5 deal from your local Target.

So building an ethical wardrobe is something that has to be done with a great deal of intention.

Here’s the deal:

I’m a stay at home mom. My husband makes an income that allows me to do that, but we’re not exactly living the Kardashian lifestyle around here.

You know what I mean?

So you guys need to know that I would not have as many ethical pieces in my closet if some of them had not been sent to me by brands.

That’s just the honest truth.

But, with that said, I have actually purchased most of the ethical pieces that I do own at the moment.

And I’ve been adding them slowly over the last year and a half as our budget allowed it.

In other words, don’t expect this to be something that happens over night. Make wise purchasing choices that work for your family. We’re talking about a wardrobe that should stand the test of time (both style wise and quality wise), so give yourself decades (yes. decades) to build up your wardrobe in an ethical way.

What I’m trying to say is, don’t just run out and buy a bunch of cheap clothing just so you have a ton of clothes to wear post baby (but like we said on Monday, if you absolutely need to purchase something, do it secondhand).

Wear what you can out of your closet and then when you do add to it, add something really special that you saved for and really thought about.

This jumpsuit is one of those pieces for me. Yes, it was sent to me by Sotela, but it’s something that has a very intentional place in my wardrobe.

I wanted a piece that feels like a dress (i.e. lightweight and less restricting than pants), but allows me to run around with my kids without worrying about flashing anyone (you’re welcome). This jumpsuit is exactly that… plus it’s something that will work whether or not I go up or down a size (like we talked about on Monday) because of the drawstring waist.

Most importantly, it’s comfortable, but I feel good when I wear it. Exactly the feeling that our clothing should give us!

So that’s a little bit of a peek into how I choose an item to add to my wardrobe. It has to feel really good on, it has to work with my lifestyle, and it has to be something that will go the distance (and FYI, I would never accept a piece from a brand that doesn’t fit into all of those three categories).

I hope that helps you as you figure out how ethical fashion fits into your current lifestyle or budget.

To sum it up:

Make intentional and deliberate choices when adding clothing to your wardrobe. It’s always best to live with less for awhile so that you can save up and buy a piece that will truly work for you and make you feel confident.

And remember! There’s no rush to build up your wardrobe (even if social media will lead you to believe that there is).

What do you think? How have you been able to make ethical fashion work for your lifestyle? Is there something that holds you back from choosing more sustainable pieces? Let me know in the comments below!

And a few housekeeping items before I wrap this post up:

I’ll be taking Friday through Wednesday off from blogging just to give myself a little vacation and to spend time with family.

But I’ll be posting my summer capsule wardrobe next Friday so hopefully it will be worth the wait!

And (so excited!) my Beachbody Coach  post was just featured on Scary Mommy, so here’s a link if you want to check that out!

I think that’s it! I hope everyone has a good weekend and I’ll see you next week!

Until next time,





Outfit Details:

Jumpsuit: c/o Sotela

Sneakers: Converse


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  1. 5.24.17
    Laura said:

    I relied almost entirely on buying secondhand through my postpartum experiences and it reignited my love for it! For me the goal was to buy something that could work for the “now” and then (based on silhouette, style, etc.) still work for the later or have the ability to get altered at a tailor. I just completed my first round of alterations with a tailor with 7-8 pieces that I wasn’t wearing anymore due to improper fit — pure magic my friend! Also I know that by thrifting “higher quality” brands there are usually greater seam allowances so that you can actually have things both taken in AND let out.

    Also, I LOVE this jumper on you! How well do you find it works for nursing?

    • 6.6.17
      Karin said:

      secondhand will always be my favorite way to shop sustainably! You can’t beat it really. And great point about tailoring! I always forget that that’s an option. The jumper works perfectly for nursing! The crossed back allows the straps to slip down really easily.

  2. 5.24.17
    Carreen said:

    I think the two challenges I’ve found hard to beat with postpartum wardrobery are finding pieces that work for breastfeeding, and finding pieces that stand up to spitup and the subsequent frequent washes. Ethically made raw silk tops are truly beautiful, but they don’t fit my current life. So, I’m working with one pair of jeans, one pair of shorts, and a handful of tops until I figure out what fits my taste, my husband’s taste, *and* my baby’s needs. One thing I’m learning is that, while I truly believe in fair trade, the ethical wardrobe is more than how your clothes are made, but also about buying for intentional longevity. I’ve had to give myself permission to buy pieces that fit my needs with the long term in mind, even if they aren’t ethically made. It isn’t ideal, but it’s better than buying cheap pieces more frequently and it’s what I can do *right now* (along with blessed thrifting).

    • 6.6.17
      Karin said:

      I know exactly how you feel Carreen! And you know what? You are making a conscious effort to shop more intentionally and I think that means you’re doing a great job! We do the same thing for the girls’ wardrobes because we haven’t had much luck with thrifting for them (and we can’t afford hand made pieces). Any step away from fast fashion mindsets is a worthy step!

  3. 6.26.17
    Jenn said:

    Hi – I am wondering how tall you are. I’m 5’3″ and suspect the Mara jumpsuit would be too long on me. I suspect you aren’t as tall as the model on the Sotela website, but it looks great on you!

    • 7.7.17
      Karin said:

      Hey Jenn! I’m 5’5″ so it may be a bit long on you… but it would be a super easy fix with your local taylor! I definitely wouldn’t let the length deter you (because it’s so easy to fix).

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