Why I Don’t Feel Rushed to Have an Ethical Wardrobe

Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com shares why she Don't Feel Rushed to Have an Ethical Wardrobe Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com shares why she Don't Feel Rushed to Have an Ethical Wardrobe Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com shares why she Don't Feel Rushed to Have an Ethical Wardrobe Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com shares why she Don't Feel Rushed to Have an Ethical Wardrobe Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com shares why she Don't Feel Rushed to Have an Ethical Wardrobe

If you follow me on Instagram or are a part of my Facebook group, then you know that I’ve been thinking about progress lately.

Or in other words, what does it really look like to pursue an ethical wardrobe.

I read so many articles that herald the minimal, sustainable wardrobe (as they should), but when you really start to understand the ideals of the authors, you start to realize that everyone has a different definition of ethical.

Everyone has a different standard by which they live.

This can make pursuing an ethical wardrobe extremely hard.

Do I choose vegan over sweatshops? Do I choose wool because of it’s hardiness over cotton which will likely wear down faster? Do I choose thrift stores over ethical shops?

These are all questions that I’ve asked myself.

Not to mention that ethical fashion leads to thinking about ethical beauty and then ethical home ware and then…

and if I’m thinking of ethical in terms of sustainability then I need to be thinking about packaging and waste and organic, etc.

It can be so overwhelming. If we lived in a society that universally valued all of these things it would be far easier, but we don’t. And if we choose to live this way, it often feels as if we’re swimming upstream.

So today I just wanted to encourage you.

I just wanted to tell you that it’s okay to not be perfect.

Taking any step towards living a more sustainable lifestyle is a big deal. Even the small steps.

Because the whole of those little steps will lead to larger change. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even months from now. But in time it will have a larger impact.

Don’t feel as if those smaller steps are not important, don’t let anyone shame you for not being where they are.

We all have different stories, different struggles, different priorities. Don’t give up because it’s not perfect.

And you know what?

I’ll be right there with you. I’ll be taking those same baby steps.

Let’s encourage each other in our journeys and not cast judgment on each other. There’s too much of that already in this world. Let’s not only pursue change in our wardrobes and homes, but in the way we view others.

Let’s offer grace and understanding. Because that, my friends, is what moves mountains…

and maybe a little bit of elbow grease.

Until next time,



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  1. 5.6.16

    Karin, I really loved this post. I’ve actually been thinking about this lately. Since before I started my capsule wardrobe I started becoming more conscious about what I wear, where it comes from and even veganism/organic food/fabric, etc. But sometimes it all just feels so overwhelming. Specially because if you try being “different” or more natural, earthy, whatever you want to call it everything becomes so much more expensive! I hear some people argue that’s not a good enough reason, you can choose where to spend your money… for me it’s not the case and I’m sure for many others too. After you have to pay rent, bills, school or whatever there is very little rest and although I wish I had more to be able to contribute to all the beautiful people who create such sustainable goods, sometimes I just can’t. And for now I guess it’s okay. Life is ever-changing and hopefully, in a near future, I can play a better part in this. And thriftshops… maybe I’m unlucky but normally I can’t really find things I like/fit. So for me, right now, my way of helping (clothes-wise at least) is by buying less, buying only what I need and love and making (most of) my own clothes – and my daughter’s. This way, I only make things I love and fit me perfectly and I choose good fabrics so they’ll last. Actually it was by starting making my own clothes that I realised how expensive fabric is and how much effort is takes to make stuff – then I started wondering how could all these brands be selling things so cheap? Cheap fabric + poor working conditions. Well this is my little contribute for now. But trying to be better 🙂 Thank you for helping taking the weight of the shoulders. Xx

    • 5.11.16
      Karin said:

      Such a good point Helena! That’s certainly true for me. I think it’s helped me to parse out what is TRULY important to me and start from there. For clothes, my most important motivation is that I don’t contribute to the problem so even though I would love to support a ton of ethical shops, right now I can only do that in part and focus more of my attention on thrift stores. For beauty, my most important motivation is cruelty free. So again, even though I would love to do a ton of vegan, organic beauty products I still have a few NYX, ELF, etc. products. I think we just have to do what we can and not listen to the voices that tell us that it’s not good enough.

  2. 5.6.16
    Brenda said:

    Beautiful encouraging words!!

  3. 5.6.16
    Kate said:

    Thanks for this post- not just in terms of clothing but life. Just what I needed to hear!


  4. 5.6.16
    Holly said:

    I do think that it is better to have less things and to really love what you have. I am trying to do a less is more lifestyle, which is hard to do because my husband loves stuff. I wish companies didn’t produce clothes by having sweatshops, but that will never happen because it is all about the bottom line and foreign labor is cheaper.

    • 5.11.16
      Karin said:

      Definitely Holly! I agree with you!

  5. 5.6.16
    Rosemond said:

    I’m right there with you, I’ve been vegetarian for a long time but just became vegan, what do I do with all my leather goods? I’m just trying to do my best, use what I’ve got and when I do buy/replace new items then I will buy vegan.

    • 5.11.16
      Karin said:

      Yes it definitely doesn’t make sense to get rid of things! You just move forward and make different decisions in the future!

  6. 5.6.16

    That is such a great perspective! Thanks for sharing!

    • 5.11.16
      Karin said:

      You’re welcome Sarah!

  7. 5.7.16

    I love your perspective. So refreshing to hear. We often hear such extremes from both sides that it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re caught in the middle spectrum. Excellent!

    • 5.11.16
      Karin said:

      Thanks Jennifer! As a rule, I try to avoid anything that falls on the extreme side. Things tend to get wonky when they aren’t balanced.

  8. 5.8.16
    Stacy said:

    Loved this post, and find it so encouraging! I’m knee deep in the world of ethical/sustainable/organic fashion, beauty, food, home products, etc. and it’s just impossible to change overnight. Sometimes you just need something, and don’t have the time or energy or money to make the “right” choice. We all need to give ourselves the grace to take it one step at a time.

    • 5.11.16
      Karin said:

      So true Stacy! And thank you! I think the first step is intent, and then you start moving towards gradual changes over time.

  9. 5.8.16
    Jenny said:

    Love this post! Baby steps count too. Sometimes people don’t remember that.

  10. 5.9.16
    Susannah said:

    This is so great! I’m an all or nothing person so it can be hard for me to take a first step if it’s not going to go all the way. You’re inspiring me to take the first step! <3

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