The end of breastfeeding? Why I can’t stop crying.

The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying.The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying. The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying. The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying.The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying. The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying. The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying.The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying.The end of breastfeeding? Why I can't stop crying.

So my little sis recently ran the Twin Cities Marathon. I’m just going to let that sink in for a minute. I mean… that’sΒ a BIG DEAL. I’m so proud of her and she is seriously making me think about doing one as well. Has anyone else here run a marathon? Did you love it?

Alright. I need to have a mom moment for a little bit… mostly because I need emotional support.

Kit has started biting me while she’s breastfeeding. *OUCH!* The first time she did it was at the Marathon when we were watching Becky run and she only did it once. I thought maybe it was just a fluke. Well it wasn’t.

The next two times she ate she bit me multiple times. It HURTS! I thought other moms were being dramatic when they said how much it hurts, but no. Not dramatic at all!

So by the next morning I was a nervous wreck about feeding her and I think that caused me to overreact. Sure enough she bit me again, but this time I was so on edge that I jumped and cried out in pain… and scared the poor thing. I felt terrible because she wouldn’t eat after that. I mean, it was kind of heartbreaking because she would get close, but then pull away and shake her head no while crying really hard. I felt like the world’s worst mother.

She did that for two feedings, but then FINALLY started breastfeeding again. The problem is that now every time she eats, I’m SO TENSE because I’m terrified she’s going to do it again! I’m kind of thinking that this may be the beginning of the end?

It’s funny, because I’ve thought before that I would be happy to be done with breastfeeding because it will give us more flexibility and freedom, but now I keep crying on an off because I’m so sad that we may be done soon.

All. Of. The. Emotions.

I guess we’ll see where the next few weeks lead us, but why is she growing up so fast??? I’m not ready!

Did anyone else go through that with their little ones? Do you have any tricks for β€œguaranteeing” that they won’t bite? If so, help a mama out and let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,

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  1. 10.12.15
    Angie said:

    Hi Karin,
    I have a 14 month old who I’ve gone through the same thing with. He started biting around 9 or 10 months and it does hurt. I noticed he does it when he is teething. The thing that had worked well for me is to stop nursing and make a clear cut off and try again. They get the message after a few times. He still does bite every once in awhile when he is teething but now he knows it’s not ok so he doesn’t bite down as hard and I can catch him in time to pull him off. Choosing to wean from nursing is a hard decision that only you can make but don’t feel guilty for making a call on what’s right for you and Kit. Everyone is going to have a different story. Keep up the good work most moms don’t make it as far as you have!
    Thanks for sharing it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there. I look forward to reading your posts.

    • 10.12.15
      Karin said:

      Thanks for your insight Angie! Kit is definitely teething and I never thought that the two might go hand in hand. It’s good to know that yours stopped when the teething stopped!

  2. 10.12.15
    Kristin said:

    Karin, I had such a similar experience! Right around 10 months, teething, and all the biting. Exactly like you say, I felt so tense that I started to hate and dread breastfeeding. We ended up weaning, and it was best for us, but I had been hoping to get to a year so it did feel a bit sad. I have so much admiration for the moms who are able to push through this stage, I just couldn’t do it! You’ll make the best call for your family.

    • 10.12.15
      Karin said:

      Thanks Kristin! I appreciate hearing that you weaned because of it. It makes me feel a little freer to make a decision based on what works for us. And I think every baby is different… some babies get it out of their system and some don’t!

  3. 10.12.15
    brianna said:

    Ah biting. I remember that well. I can’t remember what I did that stopped the biting. But I remember how painful for t was. Sorry dear. πŸ™

    • 10.12.15
      Karin said:

      Thanks for the sympathy. πŸ™‚ Sometimes that’s all you need!

  4. 10.12.15

    I had the same experience. I opted to wean but it was so hard. I think it was harder for me than it was for him.

    • 10.12.15
      Karin said:

      That’s good to hear Heather! I have been feeling like I will be cheating her in some way, but it’s so nice to hear that other babies survived!

  5. 10.12.15
    Ashley said:

    Yes it hurts!! I was surprised too since I didn’t have the typical other pains that others have when it came to breastfeeding. I think the thing that I did with both kids was to firmly say “no” and if they did it again to stop and try later. Best of luck to you!

    • 10.12.15
      Karin said:

      Thanks Ashley! I’m the same way! I never cracker or bled and she’s always been a great eater so this is the first “bump” in our breastfeeding road.

  6. 10.12.15
    Kim Munoz said:

    Oh I remember these days. We nurse for what seems like forever and a full mouth of teeth lol. But I would say ouch out loud. And by then we were mostly nursing for sleep so I would wait until he was tired. He seemed to bite more when he was awake and trying to move around and nurse at the same time. Hope you find something that works. Maybe a sheild? Good luck!

    • 10.12.15
      Karin said:

      Thanks Kim! I did try a shield, but she wouldn’t have it haha!

  7. 10.12.15

    Breastfeeding is the best part of having a baby! The biting doe hurt though. When my daughter was 9 months my nipples were so sore and I just gave up breast feeding.

    Maybe you could try unlatching baby when they bite and perhaps they will see that when they bit the milk stops. I am no lactation expert, so I suggest contacting them if you want better advice!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Jameela (Jam and Tea Blog)

  8. 10.12.15
    andi said:

    it’s okay that you’re going through this – allow yourself to go through it –

  9. 10.13.15

    First, do a marathon. They are amazingly hard physically and also mentally but after you complete one you feel like you can complete anything that life throws at you.
    Second, biting doesn’t have to mean the end of nursing. She just needs to know there are consequences for biting. I’m not saying she does it purposely to hurt but she needs to know that every action has a reaction. When my boys bit I did one or two things. Immediately gently pull some hair and pull them off for a few minutes. after just a couple times baby will realize that biting goes with a tug on her hair and/or nummies being taken away.

    • 10.13.15
      Karin said:

      Thanks for the encouragement Rebekah! I am seriously considering doing one. πŸ™‚ I like what you have to say about consequences, even though she’s not doing it purposefully. Sometimes I forget that we have to train our children to know there are consequences in life even when they don’t do something maliciously. Great tips!

  10. 10.13.15
    Claire said:

    Breastfeeding is amazing! Luckily though (maybe even miraculously) my daughter bit – I’m still nursing (although weaning) at 18 months and with a full mouth of teeth biting has never been a problem for us at all. If it had been, maybe I would have stopped sooner who knows. Listen to the advice people have left you though – there are ways around it!

    • 10.13.15
      Karin said:

      That’s great Claire! Fingers crossed that doesn’t change. πŸ™‚

  11. 10.13.15
    ashley said:

    I nursed until 13 monthes.. I found the best way to stop biting was to say ouch or no repeatedly while tapping her cheek. She would release pretty quickly. Then I would sit her up and tell her why it was wrong. I did still have a few times when I scared her too by accident.

    • 10.13.15
      Karin said:

      I like that you explained to her that it was wrong. I don’t think it’s ever too early to start explaining event though they can’t communicate back to you!

  12. 10.13.15
    Kristi said:

    oh yes and I screamed Bc the child not only bit but the pulled. Ouch!! Not fun at all, but I learned that it was a phase and I could stop it by saying no firmly and if the child did start to bite, I would hug him close which kept him from biting and pulling but also caused him to release his bite. I continued to breathed that child for over a year after the initial biting episodes and the child learned. Every child is different but that’s what worked with mine.

    • 10.13.15
      Karin said:

      Someone else said to hug them close and that is a GREAT idea! I’ve been trying it and it seems to really help!

  13. 10.13.15
    Delia said:

    I went through a similar depression when I stopped breastfeeding my son. I only breastfed for 2 and a half months and I felt like a failure as a mother. He had really bad acid relux and would scream his head off after every feeding and I felt I had to stop breastfeeding because I didn’t want him to be in pain every time he ate. I can definitely relate to your story although never experienced the biting, ouch. Head up momma, you are doing a fantastic job.

    • 10.13.15
      Karin said:

      That is so hard Delia, but you absolutely made the right decision! You have to do what’s best for your little one and you did that. And thank you for the encouragement! You have no idea how much its appreciated!

  14. 2.16.22
    C said:

    I’m in this exact same situation. I’m so sad that I might have to stop breastfeeding my little guy, but he’s doing the exact same thing with me and I feel like I’ve ruined our breastfeeding relationship with my nervousness.

    • 2.16.22
      Karin said:

      It’s a sad transition. β™₯️ I’m six years out from this post, and I can tell you it will be okay! It’s hard in the moment you’re going through it, but the next phases are beautiful as well.

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