Hi and happy SATURDAY! Yes I’m posting on a Saturday. We’ve had stomach flu AGAIN, and while I will not disturb you with all the nitty gritty details, I will say the last few days have not gone according to plan. SO my scheduled post for yesterday will go up next week at some point. But since we’re feeling better today and I felt motivated to get something up for you guys I thought I’d do a little try on/spring look book. I’ve been slowly buying spring clothes since December (wishful thinking on my part) and I’ve had some gifted items come through the mail in the last couple of weeks so I thought I’d share everything with you guys today! There won’t be big reviews on all of these as this is more of an informal look book, but if you have questions about anything feel free to ask! Okay. Enough chit chat, let’s get to the clothes!

Dress (XS. Gifted) | Sandals | Bag

Sweatshirt (M) | Shorts (S) | Sandals | Bag

Dress (S) | Bag | Sandals (run a 1/2 size big)

Dress (2. Gifted) | Bag | Sandals (run a 1/2 size big)

Top (S) | Bottoms (S) | Sandals | Bag

Tank (S) | Pants (S) | Sandals | Bag

Tee (S. Gifted) | Jeans (25, but I’m going to return for a 26) | Sandals | Bag

Top (XS) | Jeans | Bag | Sandals (run a 1/2 size big)

Tank (S. Gifted) | Jeans (25) | Sandals | Bag

Tank (S) | Pants (S) | Bag | Sandals (run a 1/2 size big)

Top (S. Gifted) | Jeans (25) | Sandals | Bag

Dress (S. Gifted. Use code KARIN15 to save) | Sandals | Bag
Well that’s all I’ve got for you guys today! I hop you enjoyed this little peek into my spring closet. I probably won’t be buying too much else until summer rolls around so you’ll likely be seeing a lot more of these pieces in the months to come. Have a great rest of your weekend everyone!
Until next time,