My Summer Uniform With 4 Different Versions for Inspiration

Outfit details:

My bag – sizing notes: shorts run small so size up. I sized up in the tee. Shoes run true to size.

Happy Monday my friends. I am officially soft launching myself back into regular blogging as fall is (crazily) right around the corner. My kids go back to school in a couple of weeks and lately they’ve all been disappearing for hours at the neighbors house, which is… new. So I’ve actually been able to get some things done around here! It’s crazy how one day you’re barely able to take a breath from the amount of physical work your kids require and then suddenly that breath comes and it’s hard to know what to do with it 🤣.

I’m craving the predictability of a fall schedule though, my ADHD brain rebels at the idea of order and completely falls apart from the lack of it and it’s always at this point in the summer that I’m reminded how much I actually need it and want it back SO I imagine these next couple of weeks will go pretty fast as we wrap up the last couple of things on our bucket list and I get my butt in gear as I order their school supplies and fill out all the forms online I haven’t gotten to yet. But all that to say, with the extra time I’ve found I have lately (I may or may not be avoiding the huge pile of laundry and a good scrub of the toilet, but I digress) I’ve decided it’s time to get back to my normal schedule of blogging, which is to say it’s time to get back to my normal schedule of sporadically blogging somewhat regularly.

I’ve missed my connection point with you all this summer and having an outlet to share whatever happens to be on my mind at the moment (and find solace in knowing my overactive brain somehow always connects with at least one of you). It’s nice to have a community of people here who have grown up together over the last 10 (ten!) years and get the messiness, and despite all of the mom talk, and the ADHD talk, and whatever else may come up, we can always find our footing in a good chat about our love for fashion. You’re my kind of people. 😊

Anyway, I’m back. It was wonderful to take some time off this summer, but it’s equally wonderful to get back to writing and sharing outfits and rambles.

During my time off this summer I really got into gardening. I know I’ve mentioned that a bunch of times already, but it’s relevant to this conversation because it’s had a pretty significant impact on my style choices this summer. I’m used to living in sundresses all summer, and while I still do every chance I get, my daily activity of choice has had me reaching for a much more casual summer uniform this year. I’ve also done much less shopping this summer which has also contributed to my more minimal and laid back summer uniforms. We’re saving up for a couple of Doxies and so we’re keeping our spending to a minimum at the moment…

which means that I reverted to an almost accidental capsule wardrobe/uniform type dressing situation without even really meaning to. I ended up having an everyday uniform with two variations and then I’ve had more fun with my outfits when we’ve actually gone somewhere. Those two variations are super simple and are athleisure wear based:

  1. Bike Shorts, oversized tee or sweatshirt/sweater, slip on shoes or sneakers and easy bag
  2. Pull on Shorts, fitted tank or tee, sandals or tennis shoes, and easy bag. A baseball cap with both formulas if my hair needs a little help 😉

Both variations of the formula are super easy to pull off, are extra comfy, fine to get messy in, cute enough to leave the house in, and won’t bother me if I get super sweaty. They’ve just been really practical and easy to throw on every day, and like I said above, I haven’t bought much this year so I have the same few bike shorts, pull on shorts, and tees and tanks that I cycle through every week (all of them are mix and match) so it’s super easy to just pull out whatever my tired hand lands on when I wake up in the morning.

The outfit I shared in the first photos of this post are from a hike that we did when we went to the North Shore this past July, and that’s been a huge go to outfit combo for me (swap out my hiking shoes for these), but I’ll share three other versions I’ve worn recently that I’ve already repeated numerous times this summer:

Karin Emily shares a mirror selfie in a warm weather athleisure outfit with bike shorts and an oversized t-shirt

Outfit Details:

Sizing notes: I wear a 4 in the shorts and a medium in the tee. I typically wear a 9 in shoes and I have a 40 in the clogs.

Karin Emily shares a mirror selfie of herself wearing an oversized black cotton sweater over a pair of white bike shorts

Outfit Details:

Sizing notes: I got a medium in the sweater to make it super oversized, but it’s huge so only size up if you really want an extra oversized fit. I wear a 4 in the shorts and a small in the tee.

Outfit Details:

Sizing notes: I’m wearing a small in my shorts and tank

I’ve really enjoyed having a summer uniform, it’s made getting dressed super easy and it’s allowed me to get up and do the things I’ve really wanted to be doing this summer…. However. I am really looking forward to finding a bit more inspiration in my outfit choices as the summer winds down. Practicality in dressing is sometimes a necessity of life, but it’s not the only purpose for clothing and I want to take some time really refocusing on the more fun and expressive purposes as we enter a chillier season. With that said, thank you for always letting me over explain my way through a post. Let me know if you’ve been leaning on a summer uniform the last few months and what it is! I always love to hear what people gravitate towards.

Until next time,


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