Less is not Less, Less is More

Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com shares why she has come to believe that Less is not Less, Less is More Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com shares why she has come to believe that Less is not Less, Less is More

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the whole idea of a capsule wardrobe and how successful it is long term.

While I am still fully an advocate, I came to the realization that there is a downside that, while not unique to capsule wardrobes, has the possibility of being magnified by a capsule wardrobe.

I’m talking about the unattainable pull.

Let me explain:

It’s so easy to look at other capsule wardrobes or other minimal wardrobes and to think… “My capsule would be perfect with that one piece that person has.” Or, “if only I could figure out my style like that person has, then I would have a workable wardrobe.”

Or sometimes it isn’t even an external trigger. Sometimes we simply “feel” a hole in our wardrobes that leads us to the conclusion that we would find contentment with our wardrobes if we just had that one piece. As if that one piece would provide us with a contentment so definite that we wouldn’t want anything else ever again.

Do you see the error in that way of thinking?

If we can’t be content now, with what we already have, we’re not going to be content once we have that “perfect” piece.

That way of thinking causes us to be stuck in this endless cycle of always pursuing and chasing something that we’ll never really catch hold of.

Because ultimately it’s impossible to create the perfect wardrobe.

There’s always something else, there’s always someone that has a cuter wardrobe, and there’s always someone doing it “better.”

In fact, I have become convinced that the more you have, the more elusive contentment becomes.

The more you have, the more you’re choosing to give in to that unattainable pull.

Choosing not to buy something, even though we want it, forces us to confront our discontent and to take stock of what is currently in our lives.

And the more we turn our focus to what we do have, instead of focusing on what we don’t have, the more we create an atmosphere in which we can appreciate and enjoy our lives just as they are.

If I have learned anything over this last year and a few months it’s that,

less is not less, less is more.

Until next time,

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  1. 7.17.16
    Sarah said:

    Love this. I had taken a break from blogging and wardrobe IG posts during our move. I am glad I did. I’m now trying to find the right avenue to get back in to things. I enjoy blogging about simple living and wardrobes, but after taking a break.. getting my head out of the game for a bit.. I see a bigger picture again. And this is it. Shopping, wardrobes, decluttering.. all those things have their place. But if we are constantly after the next step, the next thing, the next purge.. we have discontent. Great post!

    • 7.18.16
      Peggy said:

      Your 10 x 10 looks fun!

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      So true Sarah! It’s so hard to live in the moment and not always be thinking about the next thing.

  2. 7.18.16
    Marloes said:

    Again you are so spot on Karin! This is exactly how I felt most of the time. It’s so difficult to change my behavior. The more I say no to things, the easier it gets. Your inspiring stories certainly help to keep me on the right track!
    – X Marloes

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      Thank you Marloes! I so appreciate your kind words and encouragement!

  3. 7.18.16
    Kate said:

    I think you hit it on the head right there:
    “If we can’t be content now, with what we already have, we’re not going to be content once we have that “perfect” piece.”

    I think that this feeling is symptomatic about a deeper sense of discontent – irrespective of whether you follow a capsule wardrobe or not. I don’t think this is a fault in the capsule wardrobe system. In a way it’s even a strength, because following a capsule wardrobe – restricting the number of items in your closet – brings this constant quest of the next, of the new “perfect” thing to the forefront.
    If we don’t plan on restricting our shopping, we probably wouldn’t notice that we are constantly looking for the “one” missing piece.
    Great food for thought!
    xo Kate

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      Thanks Kate! I think it can definitely be a problem for a lot of people, but where I think the capsule system falls vulnerable to it is for those who are practicing it to create a perfect wardrobe and then end up shopping until they achieve that.

  4. 7.18.16
    Barbara Harris said:

    That baby is so beautiful !

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      Thank you! I think so too! ?

  5. 7.18.16
    Logan said:

    This is so true and definitely kicked me in the butt this morning. I’ve been cleaning out and trying to get rid of and sell so much of our stuff. I haven’t done it in a while and it was long overdue…however, I also just purchased way too much from the Nordstrom sale and I thought, why am I buying more while I’m trying to get rid of? It’s insane. So, thank you for this reminder!

    • 7.18.16
      Peggy said:

      Logan I totally did the same thing this weekend! Packing up poshmark boxes and bringing in something new, insane!!

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      There’s such a pull to do so! Especially with bloggers posting all of their must have Nordstrom buys! I say, don’t beat yourself up about it. Move on and know your weakness for the future. ?

  6. 7.18.16
    Lauren said:

    I am really trying to go with the whole less is more lifestyle but I do struggle with the must-have items to include!

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      It can definitely be a struggle! But kudos to you for taking steps in that direction!

  7. 7.18.16
    Kim said:

    Love this a lot! And you’re totally right, it really is impossible to create the perfect wardrobe without tons of money. It’s a great reminder!

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      I think even with tons of money it would still be impossible! There would still always be something else to want or “need”

  8. 7.18.16
    Candy said:

    Capsule wardrobe is still a puzzle to me but I am learning. There is no perfect or complete wardrobe

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      You’re so right Candy! If you have any specific question feel free to e-mail me!

  9. 7.18.16

    Good idea, I’m just not sure it will work for me. But good read!

  10. 7.18.16

    Yes! Less is more! I feel that way with my wardrobe {which is super small} and our home. It just feels better and doesn’t cloud my brain as much.

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      So true! The more stuff I have the more anxious I feel.

  11. 7.18.16

    Word up, girl. Contentment is key. For me lately, it’s not wardrobe, but my home. Like decorating, organizing, maintenance etc. We were able to complete one project and got a new little bistro set and now I want to fix and update the whole house! ugh.

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      I have a feeling I’ll be struggling with this once we move. It’s kind of nice to have some limitations.

  12. 7.18.16
    Ali Grace said:

    Gosh. YES. Sometimes I feel so consumed with wanting. Always looking, browsing, shopping online. It’s exhausting and just makes me feel icky. Thanks for this reminder. Love what you do!

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      I know exactly how you feel! That’s a trap I fall into all of the time as well!

  13. 7.18.16
    Allie said:

    You are absolutely right! Being content with what I have has been a lesson I have seriously been learning this past year, and while I’m still a work in progress I can honestly say that I have found so much joy when I focus on what I have rather than what I want. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      It’s definitely a work in progress! But I think that means it’s probably worth it. ?

  14. 7.18.16

    Yes! I am working so hard on this. I love the idea of minimizing. This is still one of my goals, so thank you for the reminder.

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      Thanks Jessica! I hope you are able to do it at some point!

  15. 7.18.16
    Susannah said:

    This is wonderful! I love the reminder that we need to focus on what we have, not what others have!

  16. 7.18.16

    I love every word in this post! It’s so true and I love that thought, “less is not less, less is more.” Thanks for this thought-provoking read. 🙂

  17. 7.19.16

    You are 100% right — we are always wanting one more thing to make it perfect but the truth is it will never be perfect! We have to be happy with what we have!!!! A great reminder.

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      Thanks Chris! It’s such a trap!

  18. 7.19.16

    You are so right! I have research capsule wardrobes for spring and summer ideas, and all I can think is, “I need that or that” or “That one piece could solve it all!” The truth is contentment is a difficult feeling to consistently feel. I do not have a great spring and summer wardrobe, but I do wonder if it is because of all of my research or if I dissatisfied before seeing all of the great examples of what I could have. I am loving your food for thought type posts!

    • 7.20.16
      Karin said:

      I know exactly how you feel Erin and that’s exactly why I wanted to do this! I was having a hard time figuring out how true the external voices were to my specific situation. I’m hoping this will give me some clarity!

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