Adding Ethical Pieces to your Wardrobe + a GIVEAWAY!

Adding Ethical Pieces to your Wardrobe + a GIVEAWAY! Adding Ethical Pieces to your Wardrobe + a GIVEAWAY! Adding Ethical Pieces to your Wardrobe + a GIVEAWAY! Adding Ethical Pieces to your Wardrobe + a GIVEAWAY!

I really think it’s an undiscovered law of physics that whenever Karin decides to launch her fall capsule the weather takes a turn for the scorching. It was in the 90’s today you guys.

It has driven me to talking in the third person.

It also led to an awkward sweating so much I was sliding around (literally sliding around) moment at story time today.

And here’s the best part: when Kit wants to avoid participating in story time she starts to treat me like a human jungle gym.

So now just imagine Kit sliding right down the front of me and landing in the sweat stain I left on the carpet and you’ve got a pretty accurate picture of our morning!

NOW that you have that lovely mental image going let’s talk strategy for adding ethical pieces to your wardrobe (unless you want to keep talking sweat stains, in which case just send me an email and we can commiserate)

One thing that I get asked a lot is:

“how do you build up an ethical wardrobe when you are basically starting from scratch?”

I think this is a fantastic question.

And to be honest, I don’t have any one and done kind of answer because this is a very personal thing that’s going to look different for each person.

But to try to help just a little bit (because it can honestly be a bit overwhelming), here’s my personal strategy:

Start with what you have. That sounds so basic, but it’s the most important step.

Sit back and really look at your closet… are there pieces that just need a style mix up? Are there pieces that you haven’t tried on in awhile? Do your best to work with what you have, because at the end of the day that is the most sustainable way to do this.

Second: figure out what you can purchase second hand. For me, jeans and shoes are two things I try to buy secondhand as much as possible because they are industries that are causing a lot of damage to the environment. More and more brands are coming out with ethical practices in this area (in fact, I’m trying this pair of jeans from Everlane for this capsule), and I try to support when I can, but that’s just how I do it right now.

Third, for basics I recommend places like Everlane. They are high enough quality that they will last a good amount of time, but not so expensive that you are breaking the bank every time you have to replace them… because at the end of the day they are still basics and they do get worn out. They just do.

Finally, for the special pieces (think linens, raw silk, hand knit, dresses, jumpsuits, etc.) take your time. There’s no rush with these pieces. If you have to you can live on basics and jeans/pants. These are the pieces you’re going to have for a good long while so don’t rush the decision making process. Maybe start with one piece that you save for and then add them one by one as your budget allows. And taking your time may help you take advantage of end of season sales that a lot of designers put on.

So to sum it up: build up your basics and thrifted items on top of what you already own first, then take as long as you need to add pieces that will complement your wardrobe, lifestyle, and tastes.

with that said,

I really wanted to help one of you guys in adding a timeless piece to your wardrobe like the dress I’m wearing, SO the lovely Joanna (seriously, she is the loveliest person) from Pyne & Smith Clothiers, has agreed to do a giveaway for one lucky Truncation follower to win a dress of their choosing.

To enter, just head on over to Instagram at 12:00 p.m. Central Standard Time and keep an eye out for today’s post to see the rules.

Also, stay tuned for Friday because I’ll be sharing another way that you can add those pieces to your wardrobe in a more affordable way.

Until then, let me know how you handle building an ethical capsule in the comments below. Or if you’re struggling, let me know and we can have a chat about it!

Until next time,




Did you see my fall capsule wardrobe?

Clothing Details:





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  1. 9.13.17
    Alley Adams said:

    Squeee! that’s me getting excited. I have these guys on my fall list. Hope I’m lucky enough to win!
    And I totally get the sweat bomb thing. Especially postpartum and lactating. One minute minding your own business, the next your in a puddle.

    • 9.26.17
      Karin said:

      Did you end up picking up a dress from her fall launch? She had so many cute new styles! And yes! Postpartum sweating is the worst!

  2. 9.13.17

    Yaayy! Done and done. Your method is spot-on, too – start with the basics and add from there. Easy to say, kind of hard to do if you’re prone to getting distracted by pretty-but-impractical items like me, heh. And I’m excited about Everlane’s jeans too! Can’t wait to give them a try.

    • 9.26.17
      Karin said:

      I know exactly how you feel about the distraction stuff. I’ve had to really start training myself to sticking with my wishlist because I can be really bad about that! I still haven’t gotten my jeans (they were backordered) so I’m getting impatient to try them out haha!

  3. 9.13.17
    Lo said:

    Let us know what you think of those jeans! I’m tempted….

    • 9.26.17
      Karin said:

      I definitely will! I’m still waiting on them so we’ll see…

  4. 9.14.17
    Susan said:

    Also looking for a jeans review!

    I think you are a Twin Cities resident. Where do you shop for new for yourself? I did a bit of summer shopping at the Bibelot, and they had do d good choices, which seemed to be more ethically produced (some of my summer clothes were circa 1981, when I graduated from college!)

    • 9.26.17
      Karin said:

      I will definitely do one when I get them! I really like all of the Savers locations for thrift purchases. I also really enjoy Parc Boutique and Spoils of Wear if I’m going to pick up something new.

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