When I look at these photos I can definitely tell I’m starting to get the lovely pregnancy puffiness ha!
I’m definitely feeling a lot less comfortable in my clothing, and I feel uncomfortable showing off my legs in shorts because of all of the aforementioned puffiness (it may also be attributed to my current addiction to starbursts).
But I’m also SO hot all of the time. This is my first pregnancy during the summer and I AM FEELING IT. So I have this little inner voice that says “wear the shorts, and screw everything else”…
that voice is winning.
Honestly though? I’m pretty self conscious of my legs and the fact that they’ve aged quite a lot in the last fifteen years. But I also really hate being too hot, and I decided a long time ago that I was never going to suffer through heat in the name of covering up a “flaw.” It’s just not worth it to me.
And I’m just so over thinking about body stuff, and worrying about cellulite and whether that cut of short makes my thighs look slim that I’m just letting it all go, wearing all white, and owning the dang shorts.
Who’s with me?
To see my other 30 Days of Summer Style Series posts go here
Total side note, but did you see that Tradlands is releasing a jumpsuit today? I’ve got one coming in black and I CAN. NOT. WAIT.
Outfit Details:
White blouse, Tradlands c/o (Sustainable) (This blouse JUST fits over my bump so it probably wouldn’t work for someone who’s got a bigger bump than me)| More affordable here (Sustainable)
Shorts, Gap Maternity | Non Maternity Option Here (Sustainable)
Sandals, Everlane c/o (See Review Here. Sustainable) | More Affordable Here
Purse, Tree Fairfax (Sustainable)| More Affordable Here
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