Winter ’18 Capsule Outfit No. 24 & the Time I Pissed off the Story Time Mom

Colorful Tee and Waterproof Boots-1 Colorful Tee and Waterproof Boots-1

For almost a year now I have taken the three girls to story time pretty consistently.

But because of Holidays and traveling, we have only been one time in the past month and a half.

I’m taking them today (or yesterday, by the time you read this), and I. am. shaking in my boots.

I’ve gotten out of the practice of taking all three of them places! Over the Holidays I had family around to help and David was home on vacation…

In that short month and a half I’ve lost all confidence haha!

I know that it will be fine. Especially now that they’re older and can sit next to Kit and I on the floor. When we first started going I would sit there in a ball of tension just praying that they wouldn’t both start crying.

I feel bad because one day when we were there, it was one of those days that they were both crying and I was stressed, and Kit was (literally) climbing all over me (she does that when she’s shy and nervous…?), and this lady’s toddler kept coming over and shaking the carriers really hard and basically trying to climb in with the twins.

I was so stressed and I was trying to communicate to this lady that now was not the time for her to just let her toddler do whatever she wanted with my baby carriers, but she didn’t get the hint so I ended up removing the toddler’s hand from the carrier and (trying to be friendly) said “no-no!” #daggerglare

Sadly enough, I did not make friends with that story time mom and now I see her frequently and I feel guilty every time I see her.

But anyway!

We’re going today so wish me luck (I know you’ll be reading this after we already went, but time isn’t bound by our understanding of it right?)!

At least I won’t have to go to the gym tonight because lifting both baby carriers is quite the workout! 😉

Outfit Details:

Colorful Tee: Madewell Ethical Option

Skinny Denim: AG Wear for a long time option Another option | Affordable Option 

Neutral Cardigan: Gap Similar Ethical Option Wear for a long time option

Waterproof Boot: L.L. Bean

Tote: Madewell

Red Lipstick: Kat Von D

Until next time,


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  1. 1.10.18
    Jackie said:

    I’m super impressed with you venturing out with three kids alone! I took my son to story time a couple times when he was two. It was stressful with just one kid! He’s very busy and preferred turning the lights off and on and getting into the supplies to listening to the story. He is also very tall and could open the door and kept trying to escape so he could play on the library computers. We didn’t make any friends lol. Now we stick to the indoor park and pool!

    • 1.10.18
      Karin said:

      I definitely am lucky in that Kat is VERY much a homebody. She’s so shy in public that she would never think about running off. That’s one of the reasons I feel comfortable going out… I don’t know how we would do it if she had a more outgoing/feisty personality!

  2. 1.10.18
    Cassi said:

    Don’t feel guilty about correcting that lady’s toddler! I think any reasonable parent would appreciate that you did it. When I go to story time with my kids I WANT other parents to help correct my son if he’s misbehaving. Especially after I started bringing my daughter with us I can’t always keep up with him. If that woman got mad at you, you probably don’t want her as a friend anyway!

    And I love the color palate of your striped shirt/cardigan pairing!

    • 1.10.18
      Karin said:

      Haha! Thanks! I don’t feel guilty/badly about how I responded per se… I just feel bad that she couldn’t read me well enough to know that it was my stress that was frustrating me and not her toddler. Does that make sense? And thank you!

  3. 1.10.18
    LNR said:

    You are so brave! Have you considered introducing yourself to the other mom and naming that the negative interaction happened? Maybe owning that it makes you feel guilty will be freeing! How did story time go?

    • 1.15.18
      Karin said:

      That would probably be the best way to handle it! Haha! I just need to work up the courage. 😉

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