Spring 2018 Outfit 5: On Turning 34

Spring 2018 Outfit 5: On Turning 34 Spring 2018 Outfit 5: On Turning 34

Oh hello 34!

Yes, you heard me right. Today is my birthday and I’m turning 34.

Typically I don’t like to bring a lot of attention to myself on my birthday, but today I wanted to write out my feelings on “getting older.”

I always had heard, and felt, that my twenties were supposed to be the best years of my life…

and they were great! I had such a blast in my twenties. I spent a semester in South America, finished college, got my first real job, got married, went to Europe, got my Master’s degree, became a home owner, got a dog. I basically ticked off all of the boxes of things I wanted to do before I turned 30.

But now that I’m four years into my 30’s, I can confidently say that there is something so much better about getting older.

I realize that I’m only 34, and in the grand scheme of things that’s not very old.

But I’m referring more to the process that happens as you get older… that process where you become more and more sure of who you are.

I think part of that process happened because I became a mom, but I also think that youth can easily bring insecurity. It’s a time of finding yourself, and figuring out where you fit in. There are a lot of questions of “what now?” and “what’s my purpose?”… all important questions to ask and discover.

But my thirties have brought peace.

I’ve had trials that have taught me important lessons, I’ve grown confident in who I am, I can see where I fit in now, and I’m not trying to fit myself into places I shouldn’t be.

I have figured out what types of friends I need in my life, I’ve figured out that I don’t need “grandness” to be happy… nor do I need to “do something big” to be important. I have also lost that feeling of needing to impress others… or to “best” everyone around me. I don’t need anyone else’s opinions for me to be happy with the decisions I have made, or the life that I’m living.

I’m honestly much happier than I was in my twenties, but it’s not a surface happiness either. Because I don’t always feel happy. I think I used to feel happy a lot more. It’s more of a transcending peace that I have, which overrides any feelings that come and go (which is also largely due to the fact that my relationship with God is so much more rooted than it was in my twenties).

Yup! 34 feels good.

I loved high school (even though I was painfully shy), I loved college, I loved my twenties… but I wouldn’t want to go back to them.

I’m right where I want to be.

And you better believe we’re going to celebrate in true “old person” fashion tonight by going around and getting all the free food that you get on your birthday!

I may even pull a Barb Lupinacci (a.k.a my Grandma), and visit a buffet so I can stock up on nuts and dried cranberries. #kidding

Outfit Details:
Linen Tee: Elizabeth Suzann, c/o | More Affordable Option | Everlane Option | Similar Handmade Option
Mom Jeans: Thrifted | Similar Ethical Option | Affordable Everlane Option
Tan Mule: thrifted | Almost exact in leather | More Affordable (CUTE!) Option | Investment Option
Tote: Madewell | Ethical Option | Everlane Option | Affordable Option
Straw Fedora: Old J. Crew | Similar | Handmade Option
Red Scarf: Vintage | Similar Handmade
Scarf Holder

P.S. If you like the outfit I shared today, would you consider sharing it on Pinterest? Just over over any of the images and click the “pin it” buttons. Thanks so much!

Until next time,



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  1. 3.14.18
    Leah Wise said:

    Happy Birthday! I’ll be 30 this year and I’m already starting to understand that feeling of peace. It’s an understated happiness that doesn’t have to be raucous or even that apparent to others. I feel like when I was younger I had to perform happiness but now I can just feel what I feel. I still go through occasional “What is my life’s purpose?!” freakouts, but even that’s ok.

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      Thanks friend! I love how you put that: “perform happiness.” I totally get that! And I’m pretty sure I will always have freak outs over my life’s purpose, but they are happening less and less 🙂

  2. 3.14.18
    Susan Fahning said:

    Happy birthday!!! I turned 60 this year, and decided “It’s MY time!!!” I celebrated with a trip to Madagascar to visit daughter Diana (Peace Corps Volunteer) and by getting a tattoo. Enjoy your day, and may it usher in a fulfilling year.

    But, can you talk about the Elizabeth Suzann linen tee?

  3. 3.14.18
    Jodie Thomas said:

    Happy Birthday!
    You share the day with my husband who’s a year older! There’s definitely something wonderful about your 30s and I agree that it’s my favorite yet!
    Best wishes for you this next year! Xo!

  4. 3.15.18
    Andrea said:

    Happy Birthday!
    I agree with everything. Although, I still question everything. Always in doubt, but I guess it is just part of life.

  5. 3.15.18
    Rebecca said:

    Happy birthday!! You are so much farther along that I was at 34. My early and mid 30’s were a mess- trying to please others, being hard on myself, and never feeling like I had enough. In my late 30’s my thought process started to change and my 40’s have been good.

    Hope you had a nice day yesterday in spite of the sick babies and fussy toddler!

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