The Best Days of My Life

The Best Days of my Life The Best Days of my Life The Best Days of my Life The Best Days of my Life The Best Days of my Life

Overalls. Same brand, super similar style | Tee | Sweater. Similar | Shoes. Responsible Version | Twins onesies c/o | Kit’s Dress c/o

I talked about this briefly last week, but a couple of weeks ago, I made the decision to quit pumping.

That decision has been a long time coming, and I finally got to a point where I knew it needed to happen. As much as I am thankful that I was able to provide that nutrition for the twins, I also knew that it was one of the greatest stressors in my life.

It gave me such an overwhelming feeling of tiredness, which in turn made me feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually drained.

Motherhood sometimes asks a lot doesn’t it?

It’s the greatest blessing of my life… it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. But it’s also one of the most exacting things I’ve ever done.

Never before have I been needed in such a profound way.

Never before have I been pushed to give so much of myself to another human being.

And that weight of responsibility, while it is exhilarating, can feel too heavy sometimes.

And pumping was that for me. So I made the decision to quit.

Let me tell you, the hormonal shift was brutal… but, now that I’m two weeks out I am feeling so good about my decision!

I have so much more time to just be with the girls and enjoy them. I’m not constantly trying to figure out where I can fit in a pumping session… and when I do have a minute, I’m able to do something relaxing.

It feels good.


PLUS, the girls are starting to pick up finger foods so it feels like we really are moving in a direction where things are just getting easier and easier.

My grandpa, who raised three of his own looks at me every time he sees me and says “Karin, these are the best days of your life… you may not know that right now, but believe me that they are.”

Twins have been hard, being a mom has been hard lately. But I’m ready to start believing that he’s right.

Until next time,

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  1. 10.9.17

    One of the best pieces of advice I received when I was about to have my son was something along the lines of, “Live in the moment. You’ll never be in that same moment again, so enjoy it. Don’t think about the next phase you want to get to, because you’ll eventually miss the phases you were in.” I found it so important to really allow myself to immerse myself in what are definitely “the best days of my life.” <3

    • 10.9.17
      Karin said:

      I 100% agree with you and I 100% struggle with that haha! I absolutely LOVE the idea of living in the moment, but I have the hardest time putting it into action. I’m trying to get better at that!

  2. 10.9.17

    I love how transparent you are when it comes to motherhood. Admittedly, I can’t relate to being a mom at this point in my life but I really do think it’s so valuable to share real stories about parenting when there’s so much pressure on parents, especially moms, to be perfect. Happy to know things are getting easier with the girls!

  3. 10.10.17

    Sometimes I think the weight of all the “shoulds” we feel (from ourselves, from others, from culture, etc.) can be debilitating. Glad you were able to come up for air long enough to make this decision for yourself. It sounds like a step in the right direction.

    Also, LOVE love love this outfit! All the neutrals.

    • 10.12.17
      Karin said:

      I completely agree! And thank you!

  4. 10.11.17
    Hannah said:

    THANK YOU for speaking to the competitive consumerism I’ve seen (and fallen victim to) recently! There are many different circles in the Venn Diagram of ethical consumerism – capsules, lots of all ethical clothes, thrifted/ second-hand, small business/ maker oriented, etc. and while there is overlap, sometimes it’s dizzying trying to keep up with which blogger is pushing which newest item or designer or way of thinking about your closet. And then the community begins to eat itself alive when you aren’t give the time of day until you’ve (literally) bought your way to a certain status, or so it feels. All of that to say, sometimes it seems just as toxic as fast fashion, but it’s more easily justified because it’s “ethical.” I’ve said recently that I feel hung over on IG – I’m uninspired and over-stimulated, and I’m trying to pull back, but it’s tough. I love your honesty and it’s refreshing to see someone acknowledge that not everyone can/ wants to/ needs to spend hundreds of dollars every month on clothes (as much as I might like to).

    And on the heels of that, I’m trying to only add pieces to my wardrobe that I’m absolutely obsessed with, and that T Top in Umber is at the top of my list! I’m hoping it comes my way this Christmas!

    • 10.12.17
      Karin said:

      Everything you said is so right on! And I’ve been needing a bit of a break from Instagram as well!

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