Spring 2018 Outfit 7: Adolescent Crushes

Spring 2018 Outfit 7: Adolescent Crushes Spring 2018 Outfit 7: Adolescent Crushes

In case you are wondering, yes I am in a post birthday slump today. We had planned to go get all of the free birthday food, but two sick babies and one crabby toddler amounted to me picking up takeout and cupcakes from Nadia Cakes (which, had a burst of internet stardom earlier this year for this cake… David and I died one night laughing over the comments on the original post. It’s worth a scroll through), and having a quiet night in.   The cupcakes were more for Kit to enjoy, but they do have a dairy free option for me! Score!

Knowing that we weren’t going to be able to go out and celebrate, David graciously took a half day so I could hit up some of my favorite thrift stores. We found a couple of antique chairs on Marketplace for a literal steal, and it’s gotten my creative juices flowing. I was searching for an ottoman today, and I am pleased to say that a little Beauty and the Beastesque footstool convinced me that ottomans are overated and footstools are where’s it’s at.

And tonight! Drumroll please! My sister is taking me to see Michael W. Smith in concert. Now, my excitement over seeing good old MW in concert might make me seem a little dorky, but, well…

no I am a little dorky.

But he was my first crush you guys! (shortly therafter it became Elijah Wood for his appearance in Huck Finn, which led to a super awkward conversation between my dad and me about why I felt the need to paste photos of said crush all over my adolescent room… the first of many awkward talks about “growing up.” Thanks for being invested dad!)

But I mean were there any young, Christian girls in the early 90’s who didn’t have a crush on this:

Spring 2018 Outfit 7: Adolescent Crushes

I’m guessing no.

You guys, I’m in a ridiculous mood right now. But how can I be serious after starting this post talking about a cake shaped like a vagina?! Not possible.

I was planning on talking about something entirely different today and then this madness literally just spewed out of my brain, through my fingers, and straight into your lap.

I should apologize, but I ain’t ever gonna apologize for MWS or EW. (that’s code for Michael W. Smith and Elijah Wood in case you were wondering).

Okay I’ll stop. But please, please tell me who your adolescent crushes were in the comments. I think this could be really fun.

Outfit Details:
Romantic Blouse: Old from Doen | Similar from Doen (also available in mustard… swoon!) | Super Similar Option | More Affordable Option | Everlane Option
Skinny Jean: Thrifted | Same Jean from Original Source | Similar Distressed Ethical Option | Everlane Option
Maxi Cardigan: It is Well L.A., c/o | More affordable option
Black High Tops: Vans | Everlane Option | Ethical Option
Black Purse: Vintage | Similar Vintage Option
Cabby Hat: Thrifted | Similar
Hoop Earrings: Thrifted | Same from Original Source | Handmade Option

P.S. If you like the outfit I shared today, would you consider sharing it on Pinterest? Just over over any of the images and click the “pin it” buttons. Thanks so much!

Until next time,

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  1. 3.15.18
    Helena said:

    I was in love with Alan Rickman. I saw him in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves when I was maybe twelve, and instead of falling in love with Robin Hood, I feel for the Sheriff of Nottingham. 🙂

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      This made me laugh so hard! So you like a bad boy I guess?! Haha!

  2. 3.15.18
    Katie said:

    JT forever and always. Even the ramen noodle hair days.

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      Forever the ramen noodle hair days.

  3. 3.15.18
    Rebecca said:

    Oh funny! This brings back memories! I went to see Michael W Smith in 1991ish for his “Go West Young Man” tour. DC Talk opened do him and I fell in love with Kevin Max Smith. I bought a poster and put it on my wall much to my parents horror. I wasn’t ever allowed to go to secular concerts as a kid, so this one was pretty cool since some of MWS’s music was on secular radio! ?

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      That was the tape I would listen to on repeat, which caused the crush. Haha! That sounds so much like my experience growing up! My parents were HORRIFIED when I started getting crushes on boys (they had to expect it with four girls though ha!)

  4. 3.15.18
    Cassi said:

    I love it! First ever crush at 7 years old: Joey from New Kids on the Block. I had a pillow case with his face. That was followed by a crush on Luke Perry and when I was a teen, definitely Jared Leto in his Jordan Catalano days. Boy crazy!

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      Oh goodness yes! I even had a New Kids on the Block pajama top that I wore TO DEATH. I saw them at a mall concert when I was so little, and before they were super big… it’s one of my proudest moments. 🙂

  5. 3.15.18
    Brandi said:

    I was one of the few 80s/90s kids to not want anything to do with boy bands. My first crushes that I could remember were Jonathan Brandis from Ladybugs (RIP) and then leveling up to Keanu Reeves when Speed came out, ha!

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      So many funny things about this Brandi. First of all, somehow I’m not surprised? And Keanu Reeves is one of my all time least favorite actors haha! It’s actually a running joke with David and I.

  6. 3.15.18
    Kelsey said:

    Oh I think you know very well it was JTT. If the life size picture on my bedroom door didn’t give it away ?

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      RIP to that poster! Hahaha!

  7. 3.15.18

    OMG I love this post! And Happy Belated Birthday! I remember crushing on the usual teen heartthrobs – Leo, JTT, Timberlake…still actually crushing on Timberlake. I also definitely remember being very smitten with Ethan Hawke after 10-year-old me saw “Gattaca”. ?

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      Thanks Lauren! Justin is my ultimate high school crush! I even wrote a fan letter to him in the hopes that he would fall in love with me through my excellent writing skills (always was a dork).

  8. 3.15.18
    Vanessa Ward said:

    FIrst Crush was 100%-Jack Lord from the original Hawaii 5-0 (not sure why my parents let a 2 year old watch that) Toby Mac was my first Christian celeb crush, quickly moving onto Mark Salomon of Stavesacre. ???

  9. 3.16.18
    Gwyn said:

    My first crush was David Cassidy. At 13 I watched The Partridge Family for the first time and a major crush was born. Never mind that he was almost my parents age in real life. I was super sad when he passed recently. I never managed to see him in concert. 🙁

    Good thing his music lives on!

    • 3.29.18
      Karin said:

      Hahaha! I used to kind of have a thing for Harrison Ford (in the Indiana Jones movies specifically), until I realized he looks eerily similar to my dad! Such a wierd Freudian moment for me ha!

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