A Mother’s Day Recap

Karin Rambo from Truncationblog.com shares her Mother's Day Recap Karin Rambo from Truncationblog.com shares her Mother's Day Recap Karin Rambo from Truncationblog.com shares her Mother's Day Recap Karin Rambo from Truncationblog.com shares her Mother's Day Recap Karin Rambo from Truncationblog.com shares her Mother's Day Recap Karin Rambo from Truncationblog.com shares her Mother's Day Recap Karin Rambo from Truncationblog.com shares her Mother's Day Recap Karin Rambo from Truncationblog.com shares her Mother's Day Recap

Since I’m sure we all partied hard for Mother’s Day, I thought I would just do a quick little Mother’s Day recap for you guys today… nothing too strenuous.

So I’m sure if you follow along with me on Instagram, then you know that we celebrated Mother’s Day early by going to the zoo on Friday.

It was the best day ever you guys!

It was 70 degrees and sunny, it wasn’t that busy because it was a Friday, and all three children behaved pretty well (I mean not 100%, but is that even possible?).

It’s so fun now that Kit is a little bit older because she’s starting to really get into doing things like that.

She climbed hills and rocks, she ran around, she belly laughed anytime we saw a new animal (especially the goats), she got soaking wet in the splash pad… It was just so good!

We haven’t done a whole lot of outings like that since the twins were born and even though I know Kit is super content to play in her water table out on her deck, it was so fun to see her over the moon about being at the “big” zoo (as she calls it).

I didn’t want to do anything extravagant for Mother’s Day and this was perfect. I’m thinking maybe a yearly tradition (until their fifty of course)?

What did you all do for Mother’s Day? I’d love to hear! Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,





Outfit Details:

My Shirt: Everlane

My Jeans: AG

My Shoes: Lotta from Stockholm

My Mama Necklace: Nandi Jewelry

My lipstick color: Nars (cruella) and Kat Von D (a-go-go)

Kit’s Dress: c/o Little Moony

Kit’s Shoes: Baby Keds

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  1. 6.4.17

    Ah! I love how you celebrated Mother’s Day! My parents’ wedding anniversary was on Mother’s Day, so I waited until they got back from their trip to celebrate her. She loves plants, so I found her a gardenia tree to plant in her yard. She is a fan of doing things super simple, unless it is Christmas, so we enjoyed spending some quality time together.

    • 6.6.17
      Karin said:

      I love the idea of planting a tree! I was actually thinking that next year, I’d like to plant a tree in our yard! Glad you had some time with her. 🙂

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