Have Yourself a Very Peaceful Christmas

Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com wishes you a very peaceful christmas Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com wishes you a very peaceful christmas Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com wishes you a very peaceful christmas Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com wishes you a very peaceful christmas Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com wishes you a very peaceful christmas Karin Rambo of truncationblog.com wishes you a very peaceful christmas

I don’t know about you, but for me the Holidays can be some of the most stressful weeks of the year.

In fact, David and I always seem to end up arguing more during November and December because we can both get so stressed out.

I kind of hate that.

When did this festive time of year become something to be dreaded and anticipated all in the same breath?

My theory is that I build up this time of year so much that I end up creating a fantasy holiday season that isn’t attainable.

Kit will bake cookies with me, we will visit every outdoor market and Christmas parade available to us, we will send out the most perfect Christmas card, etc.

And suddenly I’ve turned family memories that could have been cherished into chores that nobody enjoys.

I think expectations can be the ultimate peace killers if you aren’t careful.

This year, I decided not to have any expectations.

That’s right… none.

I decided that what got done would get done and we’d only do things if they felt right in the moment.

Now part of that is because I’m very uncomfortably pregnant with twins and just don’t have the energy.

But it was also because I’m tired of the stress that I put on myself this time of year.

And you know what?

We haven’t really done much so far.

We went to Santa’s village at Macy’s, but decided not to stand in the mammoth line to see Santa knowing Kit would hate sitting on his lap anyway. It ended up being such a relaxing and fun thing to do with her.

We didn’t send out Christmas cards because… well… we just didn’t get around to it.

I baked a small batch of cookies when Kit was napping (she’s just not that into it yet) and no more than that.

We made the hard (but necessary due to how uncomfortable I am) decision not to travel more than was needed.

And honestly it’s been one of our best Christmases so far.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I realized I don’t have to do everything.

I’m not indebted to the season.

Pulling off the perfect Holiday season isn’t somehow going to make me more at peace with the world.

But doing less has reminded me why I love this time of year.

I’ve spent far more time soaking up time with my family than checking things off my to do list and it’s been so… peaceful.

If you were all right here in my living room with me right now, I’d raise a (non-alcoholic) toast to doing less and wish that you find this same sense of satisfaction with not doing everything that’s supposed to make this time of year so enjoyable.

Find what matters to you and just do that. Nothing else will bring you that much joy anyway.

Here’s to a very peaceful Christmas!

Until next time,

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