I cannot believe that I am giving you guys my 2nd trimester recap right now… although I can actually really believe it. Pregnancy is so weird in that it feels like it drags on forever, but at the same time it feels like you blink and it’s over.
As of today, I am 29 weeks pregnant so I am officially one week into my third trimester and all I can say is hallelujah!
To be honest though, this pregnancy has been so much less eventful than my previous two (I write why here and here).
I had to do bimonthly cervical ultrasounds up to 18 weeks just to make sure that my cervix was healthy and staying nice and closed. Thankfully each ultrasound showed a healthy cervix so they decided to hold off on progesterone shots… which means I officially graduated from needing to see a specialist (hopefully that continues!). I was super happy to hear I wouldn’t be needing the shots though because I found out insurance doesn’t really cover them, and they would have been really expensive. Obviously we would have done them if they were needed, but I was happy they WEREN’T needed.
I passed my glucose test so no gestational diabetes, and so far there have been no signs of preeclampsia! It feels weird to have a mostly normal schedule of OB visits.
ONE thing that may become a possible issue, but my Dr. doesn’t see it becoming one, is that his cord insert is really close to my placenta. If at some point the two fused together it may inhibit his growth, but like I said, the Dr. said that if that were going to happen it likely would have already and it’s uncommon for it to occur later in a pregnancy.

I do have an ultrasound this weekend just to check on his growth and the cord insert (I’m bringing Kit, and she’s super excited about it), but that’s all they’re really doing for it.
I did find out that my placenta is anterior, which basically just means that it’s at the front of my uterus. Supposedly this means I shouldn’t feel him as much, but you guys! He is SOOO active! I have never been kept up at night by movement before, but the last week or so I haven’t been able to fall asleep until he settles down because his movements are so strong. Sometimes they even hurt ha! I can’t imagine what it would be like if my placenta wasn’t muffling things.
The only real symptoms I’m having at this point are my sciatic nerve, which actually hasn’t been as bad lately. It’s only bad when I’ve been on my feet too much. I’ve had a bit of restless legs, and I’m starting to feel pelvic pressure that sometimes makes it difficult to walk but in comparison to how I felt at this point with the twins I feel SO good ha! I was already needing a support band with them, and my back was in constant pain. I would lay down at night, and literally not be able to get back up again. It’s nowhere near that bad this time.

The only thing that’s really been getting me down is the acid reflux/heartburn. I was able to control it with diet and Zantac for awhile there, but it’s at a point now where if I drink a glass of water (not even with a meal) or brush my teeth I feel it flaring up. I pretty much just have to deal with it I think, but I am going to ask my Dr. if there’s something a bit stronger than Zantac that I can take. I’ve already tried all of the home/all natural remedies and none of them have worked for me.
As far as getting ready for him to come, we haven’t really done much! I do have plans to take the girls to my parents for the weekend soon so David can paint the nursery (the twins are moving in with Kit… wish us luck on that transition!), and I’ve been picking up a few boy items here and there. We were very fortunate to get a ton of hand me down clothes from my best friend’s little boy so we don’t need much in the way of clothes actually!
It’s weird to think that in just a month we’ll be at the point when the twins came. I think I’ll be a little nervous until we pass that point, but he doesn’t really seem like he’s going anywhere soon.

But I think that’s it for my 2nd trimester recap! My diet has pretty much returned to normal, and my aversions have completely left so nothing exciting to report on the food front ha!
If you’re pregnant currently, let me know how far along you are in the comments!
And to see my other 30 Days of Summer Style Series posts go here
Outfit Details:
Jumpsuit, Hackwith (Sustainable) | More Affordable Here (Sustainable)
Heels, Everlane c/o (Sustainable) | More Affordable Here
Purse, Thrifted | Almost Exact Here
Earrings, Thrifted | Almost Exact Here (Sustainable)
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In week 33 of my first pregnancy. Everything is going smoothly so far. Just now getting some random aches and feeling extra tired. Falling asleep takes an hour but I nap at lunch to try to make up for it.
Third trimester insomnia is a real thing!