OK so I’m purposely uploading this post a little later in the month of December because this isn’t really meant to be a post about my decoration recommendations.
I have this weird thing that I do, and maybe let’s just blame it on the ADHD, but I like to watch commentary videos on YouTube about weird things that are happening on TikTok… and part of the reason that is so weird is that I’m not on TikTok.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t like to be aware! 😂 I already told you it’s weird so you can judge me all you want. But one of the videos I watched recently was about how some of the creators who are known for their decorating content are doing this thing now where they will completely redo their holiday decorations, every single year.
And I’m not someone who is going to poo poo someone’s holiday cheer. I think people should do what they wanna do when it comes to this time of year, however… what I do find concerning about this is the waste of it all, and the continued precedents that are being set for the younger generation.
The precedent that we need to be constantly buying all of the time. And I get it cause I have fallen into that trap too… where the more social media I consume the more I feel like I have to keep up.
So today, I thought I would show you my Christmas decorations, not to get on a high horse about how I’m not like THOSE TikTokers, but just to remind everyone what normal Christmas decorations look like I guess?
I mean I’ve had most of my decorations since David and I got married and I found a lot of of them at the local Goodwill, and then I’ve added a few here and there as the years have gone by.
I have a star lamp that I got at IKEA our first year of marriage that I pull out every year and I love it still, and all of the ornaments on our tree were handed down to us by both of our moms when we got married.
The Christmas village on My Piano was my grandma’s and the joy sign on my banister was something my grandpa made… so sprinkled in with the thrift items and the cheap IKEA first year of marriage decorations are a lot of family heirlooms.
And to be honest I’d feel really sad to miss out on the memories and nostalgia that I get every year when I pull those decorations out of their boxes again.
I’m not judging anyone for doing things differently. I know not everyone has good feelings about this time of year so they might not have the same feelings of nostalgia that I do, but I do think a lot can be lost in making this time of year completely about the commercialism.
Anyway, regardless of what those crazy TikTokers are doing (I’m just kidding, of course we love the TikTokers) I do love the way my home feels during the holiday season.
It feels cozy and warm and there’s nothing better than putting up all the decorations and cozying up on the couch with some hot chocolate and a blanket and some Christmas music and a good book or a Christmas movie… and yes, I realize I’m basically describing a Hallmark Christmas movie, but you know what there’s a time and a place for those too. 😆
Well that’s pretty much all I have for you today. I am going to link just a couple things that I have added over the years that I absolutely love; like my popcorn and cranberry garland, and my Christmas tree candles. I’ve been slowly adding a set of the lanterns every year to my Christmas decorations because they are a little bit more pricey but I just love the effect they add to my tree. I’d love to know your Christmas decorating aesthetic. Are you vintage? Are you Boho? Let me know in the comments below!
Until next time,