Hello my lovely readers and welcome back to another installment of Karin sometimes blogs 😛. I’m going to get real deep here for a moment, but sometimes you can absorb your everyday life SO much that your forget what it is that you are living. What I mean is, I was watching a YouTube video and the person posting commented on how hard they think motherhood must be in general, but then to add any kind of impairment or neurodivergence on top of the already difficult experience of motherhood must make things unbelievably hard… and it made me feel so seen. And it also allowed me to recognize my own life for a moment and to be okay with the capacity at which I am living. So I hope any of you who need to be reminded that it’s okay to live at the capacity of which you are living will know that I see you, and I validate the extra hardship you’re living with.
Okay. I did warn you it was going to get deep. But that’s what we do here right? Clothes and fun yes, but also we talk about the real stuff. But speaking of clothes…
I got sucked in. I’ll admit it. My phone has been listening to me…
total tangent here, but I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all, BUT it freaks me out that my phone clearly listens to me and then sends me targeted ads based on what I’ve said in conversation to the people around me so I will never, EVER get an Alexa or anything else like that… I’d feel like I was being watched all of the time. 😂
and back to the point! My phone clearly knows about all of my chronic illness lounge induced needs and has been hitting me hard with the Comfrt Hoodie ads. I resisted for a really long time, but then… I didn’t resist. 🤣
Actually, I had made the decision to pass my Gap sweat sets to a friend because the cropped length of the bottoms was a major sensory no no for me with the elastic band hitting at the mid calf and these days I need multiple sweat sets to wear because of hot flashes/night sweats making me go through several sets a night sometimes (aaaah perimenopause you minxy hellion). SO I was in the market for some new sets and I decided to throw caution to the wind and trust the targeted iPhone ads and purchase a Comfrt set.
So did I misplace my trust?

Well, I’ll admit I was skeptical because the reason the Comfrt Hoodie is so “famous” (quotation marks because maybe it’s only famous to me because I got targeted by a million ads?) is because the hood is weighted like a weighted blanket so it’s supposed to reduce anxiety when you wear it. Now. NOW. Listed up blog children. I’ve had weighted blankets and I hated them (my oldest child and I are the same person and she hates them too, but my three youngest LOVE them so I think we might be divergent, divergent… maybe we’re aliens?). So was a bit nervous about the hood being another Gap set gone wrong all over again. But when I got the set I honestly didn’t really notice it feeling weighted.
The set has a nice thick weight to it and it feels like a cross between old school cotton and the newer soft jersey cotton which I actually was really pleasantly surprised by. The fabric is a 10/10 for me which is saying something because with my sensory issues I feel like that’s equivalent to a Michelin starred restaurant but in hoodie form. It’s a very thick material FYI so it probably wouldn’t be great for summer, but it’s extremely cozy and I honestly find myself not wanting to wear anything other than this set which means I have washed it a lot since I got it so I can attest that the fabric feels the same after lots of washes.
I do usually prefer wide leg sweatpants because of the aforementioned elastic sensory thingy, but these are full length and the elastic is not tight so they don’t bother me at all. In general the set is very oversized. I still sized up to a medium because I like everything to be extra oversized, but you could definitely take your regular size if you don’t want that extra room. It already has a generous fit, I just want to feel like my clothes are floating around me and like I’m barely wearing them… you know what I mean? (No one knows what I mean).
Okay so last but not least (it’s actually the best part), let’s talk about the hoodie. I know I mentioned above that the hood doesn’t even feel weighted, but there is some kind of dark magic surrounding that hood… sorry I reverted to my fundamentalist Christian upbringing for a second there. Okay no it’s not dark magic and no there’s no demons involved so put your King James Bibles and Lacy Head Scarves away (it’s okay I’m still a Christian I can make fun of my own). But that hoodie is magical in some way. I mean obviously it’s the fact that it’s weighted, but it’s weighted so slightly that it doesn’t feel heavy or anything but I literally want to turn into a turtle every time I wear the set and live with the hood over my head. I can’t describe it other than it just feels “right” to have it on. 😂 But on a serious note I’ve had a few really bad fibro days and a couple of bad migraine days since I got it where I’ve literally lived the whole day with that hood over my head and it was just incredibly comforting and even though the pain was still there, it just made me feel a little more… insulated from it all. If you do suffer from chronic illness that involves physical pain I really think you need to try one of these sets because that weighted hood is such a genius idea for those of us who suffer with physical pain. Like I said, it doesn’t take the pain away, but it does provide a little bit of a muffling effect that feels really nice on days when living a normal day feels so impossible.
I rarely give a 10/10 review to anything, but these Comfrt sets are worth the hype they are getting. I think I’ll probably end up getting another set at some point so I can always have one available while I’m washing the other one and I hope at some point they come out with a lighter weight fabric for summer.
What do you guys think? Have you tried Comfrt Hoodies? If you have do you like them as much as I do? Fill us in in the comments below?
I hope you guys are having the best weekend! It’s going to be WARM here this weekend so you know I’m going on an extra long walk! I hope you guys also have something fun planned outdoors.
Until next time,