Hi Friends! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted on here. I’ve been sick with all kinds of colds and flu’s and anything else you can catch from your kids since before Christmas and because of all of my lying around my fibromyalgia has been acting up in all kinds of ways.
So I’ve been super overwhelmed with having to do life while feeling sick and to be honest I haven’t been managing it very well… we can thank my ADHD for that! I don’t do life and sickness very well with my ADHD symptoms which is unfortunate because I have multiple chronic illnesses I feel sick quite often. I’m trying though my friends and that’s all I can really do.
There’s a lot of blog posts that are swirling around in my brain that I want to post now that I’m feeling a lot better, but I thought I’d start with a round up of outfits to get back into the routine of posting. I’ve been living in loungewear to be quite honest (fave loungewear post coming soon), but there have been days where I did have to put on “real” clothes so I’ll share those outfits with you guys today:

Outfit Details:
Well that’s all I’ve got for you guys today! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’re staying healthy. Have a great weekend everyone!
Until next time,