I’m pretty pleased that this blog post is getting published. 🙂 On Monday, I went with Ella and Rosie to a play place while Kit was at preschool, and… they literally fought with each other the entire time. Apparently even at a large play place, there’s not enough room for the both of them. I was sitting there watching them fight (no I don’t intervene with every fight, that would literally be all I do at the moment ha!), and I just realized we needed a change of pace. So I decided that after we picked up Kit from preschool we would go home, pack up really quick, and leave to go visit my parents for a few days. It was good timing too because I ended up with a migraine Monday night through Tuesday evening and it was nice to have a little extra help.
But anyway, you’re viewing it so I was able to pull it together in time. Pat on the back to me! 🙂
I’ve talked, on multiple occasions, here about how much I love enzyme peels. I attribute them entirely to getting rid of my pregnancy mask (or melasma) after each pregnancy, and they make my pores look smaller in a way that nothing else has. Plus, my skin stays a lot clearer when I use them.
In other words, I swear by them. For those of you who haven’t heard of them, they are a (I think more effective) alternative to a typical facial scrub. They loosen and remove dead skin cells to reveal smoother, more even skin tone and tighter pores.
I’ve tried a lot of brands, and there are a few that really stand out to me. I’ve already mentioned two of them to you, but I’ve recently been trying a third that I wanted to mention as well. They all use slightly different methods, and they’re all at different price points:

I’ve used this peel the most consistently, and it works amazingly well considering the price point ($18.99 at Ulta). It’s a gel like cream that you use before your night cream a couple of times a week.

This is the peel I’m currently using (it was sent to me for free). It works more like a traditional scrub, and it’s a little bit more spendy ($45 at Amazon), but I’ve really been enjoying using it in the shower. It’s a scrub like consistency, but you leave it on for a few minutes like a mask before rinsing it off.

This is the most expensive peel ($60 at Sephora), and it’s also the most unique. It’s a powder that, when mixed with water, turns into a gel that you can cleanse your skin with. I would say this one is really nice, and if you want a splurge definitely go for it but the other two are both great options if you want to save a little.
The Amore Pacific is currently on sale for Rouge members at Sephora, and will be on sale for VIB and Beauty Insiders starting on May 2. Here are some other products I recommend if you’re shopping that sale (I’ve tried every product, love them, and can vouch that each one is worth the money 🙂 )
Have you guys tried an enzyme peel? You really should if you haven’t! They’re my favorite skin care treatment to use. What’s your “swear by” skincare product?