Balance, Clean Eating, & Getting Up Early

Balance, Clean Eating, & Getting Up Early Balance, Clean Eating, & Getting Up Early Balance, Clean Eating, & Getting Up Early Balance, Clean Eating, & Getting Up Early Balance, Clean Eating, & Getting Up Early

Balance is something I talk about a lot here at Truncation, but it’s something that’s been especially on my mind recently. I think it’s because I’m finally feeling “clear” (see this Instagram/Facebook post) and so I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about priorities and how I’m spending my time.

Pretty much since Kit was six months old and I started blogging, all I’ve really done with my life is blog and raise babies/watch Netflix with David.

I mean there was the whole selling/buying our house thing, but I’ve just been so tunnel vision on those things that I think along the way things got really out of balance.

And I’ve been feeling it lately. Before I ever had children I had so many interests that I haven’t visited or pursued since I got pregnant with Kit.

David and I used to camp and hike all. of. the. time and it was a huge part of our life. I also loved to cook healthy, delicious meals and I loved to workout. I was a big runner and just enjoyed being active.

These are things that have completely gone by the wayside. And yes, a lot of those things are hard to prioritize when you’re raising babies.

But I also think I’ve been putting all of my eggs in those two baskets and I need to start diversifying my time. Because those things are still a part of who I am, they’ve just been waiting for me to come back to them.

So lately I’ve been making the effort to get back to some of those things that used to fill me up. I’ve been cleaning up my diet and cooking a lot more. I’ve been getting up even earlier (I know, but it’s what I have to do) to do a little yoga. I’ve been putting my phone in my room on the charger at night so I can read instead of scrolling endlessly on social media (and also not waste time so I get to bed earlier).

I’ve been exploring our neighborhood with walks while I listen to audiobooks. David and I are even dropping the girls off with the grandparents this weekend (it will have already happened by the time you read this) so we can go camping… just for one night, but still.

I guess what I’m getting at is that it’s so easy to lose yourself in seasons of busyness, but that it’s important to retain the things that are important to us. It takes effort… as in putting down my phone so I can do something that actually engages my brain… but it’s so much more fulfilling.

What do you guys think? Have you experienced this yourself? I think balance is something that easily derails at any season. Have you been able to get balance back in your life? Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time,




Outfit Details:

Bell Sleeved Top (more affordable USA Made Option)

Skinny Jeans

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  1. 8.21.17
    Dona said:

    Kudos to you! I have 9&12 yo girls and really only got back into reading and movie watching this year. I’ve had fits and starts but felt for so long that I could not expose myself to fiction because I over-empathized with characters after having kids! Good luck!

    • 9.11.17
      Karin said:

      Kids certainly do take a lot of time don’t they? Haha! I get what you mean about over emphasizing. I definitely can’t do anything where a child get’s hurt now that I have my three girls.

  2. 8.21.17
    Marti Erb said:

    Self care is so difficult when you’re trying to take care of your family. I struggle with this & drawing boundaries. But, it’s so necessary to be a better Mom & Wife. I’m still reading books on boundaries. I think it’s great you are using your resources with your relatives & getting a few getaways. It will improve things for sure! I wish you peace, health & happiness??!

    • 9.11.17
      Karin said:

      It really is! I struggle with boundaries as well. Thanks Marti!

  3. 8.21.17
    Heather said:

    My oldest is five and I honestly haven’t been doing any old interests, much like you described. I’d like to start audiobooks or podcasts, as a lot of mom friends have said that really works for them. But, I feel a bit guilty thinking about wearing headphones and not being present I guess. I’ve been in a ton of mom groups and discussions and one that stands out talked about remembering there is a time for everything. So, I don’t dwell or feel bad that I’m not pursueing interests and recognizing that thinkg like camping and biking just can’t happen this year (with a four month old). There are stages in life is what I’m saying.

    • 9.11.17
      Karin said:

      Yes you are definitely right that there are stages for everything! I figure I’ll chip away at my hobbies now so I don’t lose touch and then be able to still pour into them when the girls are older. 🙂

  4. 8.22.17
    Lona said:

    Karin, you know that I have a 21 year old daughter and a 20 year old son, so I’m done with anything and everything that you are about to experience. One thing is sure, you and only you can make things work for you, your husband and for the kids. I know how hard it is to not feel guilty about taking some time off, being a woman, not “just” a mom. Spending time alone/with your husband will make you feel like a new, improved you. Your little ones feel your energy so they can sense if you are not completely happy.

    • 9.11.17
      Karin said:

      Thanks Lona! It’s definitely hard to figure out what works best and I’m figuring out how to find the right balance a little at a time. 🙂

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