Why you Aren’t Finding Joy in the Mundane

Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the MundaneWhy you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane

This photo was too funny not to include. ๐Ÿ™‚

Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane Why you Aren't Finding Joy in the Mundane

Have you ever felt like if you were to just do something different you would be happy?

You know… if I just had a new job, I would be happier.

If we moved to this city, I would be happier.

If I got married… if I got divorced… if I had different roommates… if…

I have SO been there. Before I got married, I was a chronic roommate changer. (that’s a real condition you know… okay maybe I made it up). I tallied it up, and I had 32 roommates pre David. 32!!

That’s insane.

Why did I have so many?

Well, some were circumstantial. Some moved on naturally as roommates do.

But the real reason is that I was a TERRIBLE roommate. I know. It’s embarrassing for me to admit.

But I was. And instead of admitting that and working on being a better roommate, I would blame it on everyone else and move on to “greener pastures.”

I thought that something new would fix the problem, when in reality I was the problem.

See where I’m going with this?

So often we think that newness will solve everything. Discontentment sinks it’s roots so deeply thatย you can’t even see it for what it is.

So often we think that the mundane should be avoided.

But there is so much joy to be found in the mundane if we can become content with our surroundings. And if we are so focused on the next big change in our life then we so often miss those beautiful and simple moments that only happen in the mundane.

And if we are constantly moving on to “greener pasture” we never deal with the discontentment. We never deal with the things that we need to change about ourselves. We never grow up and mature. We end up stuck in a cycle of always seeking something new… which means we miss out on so much of life.

So here’s to the mundane! May it ever be a part of what brings us joy.

Disclaimer: I’m not advocating for staying in a situation that is toxic or harmful. If you do find yourself in that type of situation then I urge you to click here for guidance.

Until next time,

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  1. 11.16.15
    Gina said:

    Thank you for the reminder, and for you honesty in admitting that your past discontentment had a lot to do with attitude. Great post, and your pictures are adorable!

  2. 11.16.15
    Julia said:

    I really love this post. It’s true that we can get so caught up on the next big thing happening in our lives that we forget to enjoy the present.

    • 11.16.15
      Karin said:

      I’m guilty of this SO often! It’s hard to live in the moment!

  3. 11.16.15
    Chrissy said:

    So true, sometimes we miss the moment because we are so caught up in the big picture. And I also agree to leaving a toxic hurtful negative situation if there is no other way.
    Super cute pics as always! Happy Monday

    • 11.16.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Chrissy! I like how you said getting caught up in the big picture! It’s important to know where we are going in life, but not to dwell too much in the future!

  4. 11.16.15
    Bethany said:

    I had to learn really early on that I was better off without the room mates! Best decision I ever made. But I agree, finding happiness in every day life is the greatest gift anyone can give themselves. I strive for it every day!

    • 11.16.15
      Karin said:

      Me too Bethany! And if I wouldn’t have gotten married, I probably would have moved onto solo living quarters. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. 11.16.15
    Brianne said:

    Love this! It’s so easy to assume the grass is greener on the other side, but you need to learn to be content with yourself and surroundings before you’re able to “move to greener pastures.” This is very easy to forget, so your post is a great reminder.


    • 11.16.15
      Karin said:

      So true Brianne! It’s not a bad thing to “move on”, but if you haven’t dealt with what’s causing your discontent then you won’t find peace when you move on either.

  6. 11.16.15
    Jenn said:

    I had to click on this post when I saw the title. OH MY GOODNESS, do I relate to this topic! I can constantly think to the next “big” thing – like next weekend, the next big vacation, the next holiday, the next move, the next baby. And then I miss all the little moments I should be treasuring! Contentment is absolutely finding joy in the everyday things. Love this!

    • 11.16.15
      Karin said:

      Amen amen! I’m right there with you girl! Especially because I’m such a planner! I really do work hard to find contentment in the everyday things, but it is so hard!

  7. 11.16.15
    andi said:

    it’s all in the way that we see things

    • 11.16.15
      Karin said:

      You are absolutely right Andi!

  8. 11.16.15

    Such a cute baby!! I can really relate to your topic today. I have to be very intentional about living in the moment and enjoying life as it is right now…or else I start focusing on things that I think will make me happier even though it’s already sweet right here. That’s my mantra ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 11.16.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Manda! I struggle with it too… you are not alone!

  9. 11.16.15
    Faye said:

    Thank you for this post. This is really a great reminder – I struggle with it often.

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      Me too Faye! I’m glad it resonated with you.

  10. 11.17.15

    It’s so hard to be present and content in the mundane! Thanks for sharing your difficulty. I’m not one to seek the “next best thing” but could always use more contentment in the situations I stay in!

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      More contentment is always good right? It definitely is hard to be present!

  11. 11.17.15
    Brianna said:

    Love the boots. And yes we tend to overlook our own issues giving grace yet and see others and lack grace to overlook those issues. which never brings joy or satisfaction. ๐Ÿ™‚


    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      I definitely agree with you Brianna! And thank you!

  12. 11.17.15
    Allie said:

    Ugh this is so me right now! I have a 4 month old and am a stay at home mom. I keep thinking that if I could just get away – if I could just work a little – I’d feel better and be happier. It all comes down to comparisons, I think. I need to stop comparing myself to other moms or other situations.

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      Ugh… I am right there with you girl! That is my daily struggle!! I think there is a huge learning curve when it comes to be being a stay at home mom for the first time that no one warns you about. It’s just a really hard transition, but I do hope that over time it becomes easier to stay present. You are not alone!

  13. 11.17.15
    Christy said:

    Adorable pictures! I love the topic of this post! Exactly what I needed to read tonight. Yesterday and today have been emotional, but it is mainly because of my personal attitude. I agree with you on appreciating the small things that are happening now instead of constantly looking for greener pastures. Thanks!

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Christy! And I am so glad you resonated with it. Personal attitude has a HUGE impact on how we view situations doesn’t it?

  14. 11.17.15
    Stephanie said:

    I have SO been there! Way more often than I’d care to admit too! Until we find our contentment in Jesus alone we’ll never find it, but how many times have I been reminded of that the hard way after chasing down so many “greener pastures” that turned out to be not so green!! Great post!

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      Very well said Stephanie!

  15. 11.17.15

    Karin, I love this! There have been so many times I have had this same thought, “If I can…I’ll be happier, or life will be easier.” I need to stop waiting or wanting those things and embrace the now. The season I am walking through may not be the easiest one, but God is providing and one step at a time we are getting through. There can be joy even in the hard times if we choose to find it. Great Post!

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      I definitely agree with you Rhiannon. I heard someone say once that hard times are the road that brings us to the places we were meant to be and I think that is so good! It has helped me get through so many hard situations!

  16. 11.17.15
    Clarissa said:

    Thank you so much for sharing this post!! Plus, your outfit is so cute!

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      You are welcome Clarissa! And thank you!

  17. 11.17.15
    Claire said:

    Love your message here and your outfit!

  18. 11.17.15

    Great job for realizing that and taking ownership in it. Most people are too stubborn and prideful to ever admit when something is their fault. Great job.
    Danielle Greco

  19. 11.17.15
    Susannah said:

    This is perfect! Too often I look at my mundane life and long for something else… Something exciting! I really do need to always be finding the joy in the here and now!!!

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      I completely understand Susannah! It’s so hard to be content with what we have or where we are!

  20. 11.17.15

    I LOVE your pictures! And not only that, but I love the way you remind and challenge us to focus on the present and find joy HERE. So often we get so caught up in life that we don’t slow down enough to realize the beauty and joy around us. Discontentment becomes an issue because we only see the stress and business of right now, so our automatic response is to think about ‘someday.. if only..” Anyways, thanks for the post!

    • 11.17.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Danielle! I love how you put that! It’s so easy to get bitter when we allow discontentment to take root.

  21. 11.18.15
    Julie said:

    I love this post and your thrifted capsule wardrobe style. I just published a post today about learning lessons from kindergarten snack time- which as a teacher, doesn’t get much more mundane than that. Thank you for this reminder to continue finding the joy in the everyday and not always looking for something new and a change.

    • 11.19.15
      Karin said:

      Thank you Julie! It may seem mundane to you, but I bet you anything those kids didn’t think so. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s all relative right? And you are welcome! I’m so glad that you were able to find inspiration from it.

  22. 6.19.17
    Jose said:

    I’ve only just seen this post. I also have a bad past with house shares – I was a chronic mover too! – and much of the time it was my fault. I also feel guilty not only about being the bad roommate but also for not taking responsibility for my mistakes and not making things right with the people I upset. It may not have intended it but I still did it. The guilt has forced me to change – which is good – although it’s still hard for me to move on from it as I’m still not proud of the old “me”. It has forced me to change in terms of both becoming a more giving, less judgmental person and learning to love where I am in the present moment. Anyway, your post really resonated with me and I am glad things have worked out for the best.

    • 6.25.17
      Karin said:

      Thanks for commenting Jose! I totally know how you feel and it can be so hard to feel guilty about something you did in the past. I would encourage you to let go of that guilt however and instead let yourself become a new person. Feeling remorse is a huge step in the right direction. And it may help you feel better to contact some of the people you felt were really affected by your actions and apologize. This was really hard for me to do, but once I did it I felt so much freer! Best of luck to you!

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